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  • Logo…… what do you think? I may need help!
  • sharkbait
    Free Member

    Not my doing and only a suggestion – so what do you think?

    Anther option/theme is:

    Edit:: If someone want to take this on themselves I’m paying! Email in profile for details.

    Free Member

    1 is better than 2

    Full Member

    Honest opinion is that both of those are very amateur and rubbish.

    You need to find a designer and tempt them to do you a proper logo for free in exchange for future riches*

    *usually goes down well 🙂

    Or write a proper brief and go here http://logotournament.com

    Full Member

    Why don’t you ask one of the designer types on here to knock you one up in their coffee break?

    Free Member

    shoot the designer.

    Free Member

    1 is passable. 2 is crap

    Free Member

    It just makes me think of Mars bars…..

    I liked this one.

    Full Member

    Aaaaaaaaaaah – the ‘Bevel and Emboss’ filter in photoshop, applied to text.

    Nothing quite screams ‘visual illiterate’ quite like it 😉

    Free Member

    You need to find a designer

    haha….. ^^ these are from a designer suggested on here 😕

    If someone wants to have a go I’m happy to pay.

    Free Member

    1 would likley get you a knock on the door from the Ferrari legal people!

    Full Member

    these are from a designer suggested on here

    😯 He was clearly using the term loosely. Was it fourcrossjohn?

    Full Member

    Okay, I’ll rephrase it

    You need to find a sober designer

    Free Member

    It could be that I am colour blind, but I find the first one is quite hard to read the word ‘Rest’might be something to do with the choice of colours fading into each other?

    Saying that, I prefer it to the second one.

    Are you selling printed t-shirts?

    Free Member

    the gradient across the text in the first one causes the “e” rest to blend into the background. Bad font choices. Bad colours. Bad Embossing (bleeding from one letter to the next). Overall Bad.

    Full Member

    I refer the right honourable gentleman to my previous statement.

    Anyone who uses photoshop filters on copy needs a slap around the chops with a wet fish. Just add a drop shadow in, and the visual horror is complete

    Free Member

    Klunk – Member

    the gradient across the text in the first one causes the “e” rest to blend into the background. Bad font choices. Bad colours. Bad Embossing (bleeding form one letter to the next). Overall Bad.

    Thanks Klunk, I though it was my iffy eyes 😉

    Free Member

    I have a friend who’s a graphic designer who might be able to help (paid of course)

    Portfolio : http://www.flickr.com/photos/9505279@N04/

    Full Member

    2nd one looks like those prove you’re human by typing the contents of this box things you get on webpages.

    But then again I’m one of those visually illiterate people binners was on about so what do I know.

    Free Member

    how about ?

    Full Member

    The company name offer some potential, but these logos squander it imo.

    The first isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life, but the second is definitely down amongst them.

    If you *have* to progress with this particular designer and wish to select one to move forward with, I would choose the first, but I would remove the gradient and red background and then re-assess the type on its own.

    If you can choose another designer, I would.

    Full Member

    Or here’s another crap one I just made

    Free Member

    xiphon, are you on commission? You post that link on everyone of these threads.

    Free Member

    I’m quite liking the logotournament idea….. more than I was planning on paying though – there again I’m not that up on what these things cost.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    I had another thought.

    How about a symbiotic circle showing the three elements of Work, Rest & Play in union.

    Using colour to combine the three

    Also think about how this logo may need to be used on clothing (assumption)

    Also 3 colour print and out lines


    here another crap one…

    Full Member

    That’s a step away from,

    Full Member

    MTG interesting article but I think they picked a bad fake business as an example, it’s a plumber, WGAF if they have a funky logo? can the man stop the water coming in through my front room ceiling? That logo (to a visually….etc) looks serviceable, if I look back at it and critique it then yeah it’s a bit mleh, but I wouldn’t think twice about seeing it on the side of a van or on my invoice.

    If santa cruz or intense or some other chi chi designer of dandy horses got the same designers in to tart up their website they may well loose sales. Mind you the Hope site looks bloody awful and it doesn’t appear to have harmed them.

    U a designer BTW?

    Full Member

    How about a symbiotic circle showing the three elements of…

    this sounds like it comes straight from another “design me a logo” piss take thread/article

    Full Member

    How’s this?

    I just like the idea of a French looking dog smoking a pipe.


    I didn’t like the ampersand and the spaces and the lack of a comma also

    Free Member

    OP, is this for a clothing brand?

    Full Member

    OP, is this for a clothing brand?

    I’d hazard that “WRP Clothing” is a clothing brand, yes.

    I didn’t like the ampersand and the spaces and the lack of a comma also

    Actually, I think I prefer “Work, Rest, Play” or “Work. Rest. Play.” perhaps; it flows better without the ‘and’ (and is less copyright-infringing).

    Free Member

    well in that case I think you need to rethink the name. ‘Work Rest and Play’ is dreadful. WRP is not much better. would people want to see your logo and name on their clothes?

    Free Member

    If that smoking French dog isn’t a logo already, it should be.

    In fact, I’d lose the company name and keep the smoking French dog. Call your company Smoking French Dog Clothing and slip Tiger6791 a few readies. Job done.

    Free Member

    I just like the idea of a French looking dog smoking a pipe.

    genuine lol

    Anyone who uses photoshop filters on copy needs a slap around the chops with a wet fish. Just add a drop shadow in, and the visual horror is complete

    They’re layer styles, not filters. 😛

    Full Member

    They should be a bloody criminal offence! 😛

    Full Member

    Call your company Smoking French Dog Clothing

    L’Apparel Du Chien Fumer.

    Free Member

    I can assure you, it was not me who did those!

    Free Member

    Tiger6791 – second dog is a winner.
    Yes, and rethink the name – awful and just conjours up images of Mars bars. Assuming that’s not the link you want to make.

    Free Member

    would people want to see your logo and name on their clothes?

    No logo’s, plain clothing sales.

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