Home Forums Bike Forum Loachan Meall An T-Suide -> CIC Hut. Does it go?

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  • Loachan Meall An T-Suide -> CIC Hut. Does it go?
  • buzz-lightyear
    Free Member

    Highland friends:

    On my holiday, I was thinking about carrying up Pony Path to the lochan, then descending to CIC and then down to the North Face car park and Leanachan Forest.

    I’ve never walked the path from the lochan to CIC hut. Does it go on a bike? Is it fun?

    Ta in advance

    Free Member

    It’s pretty boggy, rocky and generalky unpleasant to walk but I’ve only done it in winter and usually in the dark so you may find it ok


    Full Member

    Not 100% no, definitely some steppy gappy stuff between rocks, and some big rutted bits. Wouldn’t be too punishing a hike-a-bike though if you wanted to tie a loop together.

    Free Member

    Rode it last year.

    It’s ok but not quite a classic. I like my tech riding but it’s a wee bit stoppy starty awkward. Definitely worth doing though as the descent from the hut is pretty grand despite the water bars and you can connect up with Joe Barnes trails which are pretty ace too! i’d ride it again if that answers your question? Rode it as part of a Ben nevis ride done as an out and back.


    Free Member

    That’s OK. I don’t mind stepping down the odd section if I’m not 100% confident – I will be riding alone and carefully.

    I stepped down one awkward section of Kieran Path last summer, for example; it didn’t ruin an otherwise very enjoyable trail.

    But if it’s a carry down for most of it I’ll get grumpy!

    What are these Joe Barnes trails then?

    Free Member

    hi buzz

    It’s probably as much off as on to be honest and nothing like the Ciaran Path. It is worth doing to connect the loop but it’s as much carry as ride albeit the views are stunning and you do get lovely descent from the CIC hut. My tip would be to do the CIC as an out and back as it will be far more of a ride than a carry / short ride/ stop start ride and carry / descent.

    The trails are accessed off the fire road that head west at the end of the CIC path.

    I think they are featured in FIND.

    Free Member

    Thank you Sanny, that’s very good advice.

    Free Member

    Sanny spaketh the truth. Don’t waste your time on that bit of trail.

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