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  • lights.
  • sharki
    Free Member

    A simple one this.

    I’m after quality, at least 4 hr run time and something comparable to the old L&M arcs that served me well in terms of illuminating duties.

    Helmet mount is a must as I ride where I look and not where the bars point.

    Price: up to 250, but would prefer to keep below 200, even 100 if that’s even poss.

    I’m not searching the vaults of the internet for advise as I’ve better ways to spend my time and I’m sure this topic has been done to death.



    Full Member

    Nice, that. Sub-£100 I still really recommend the MJ-872, it’s old kit now but really surprisingly nice. It’s not a “cheap hong kong light”, it’s a proper bike light that just happens to be top value. It’ll not give you 4 hour run time on full, but it’ll out-light your Arcs even on lower settings (unlike most cheaper lights it has good reduced power settings)

    There’s better lights now but I don’t think there’s anything better sub £100, and it’s not badly behind the £150 crowd.

    Free Member

    +1 the Glow Worm X2, juts replaced my L&M with it and am over the moon

    Free Member


    Amazing power and value for money. Not the most ‘refined’ though. I’m amazed that people are still spending £250 plus for lights…

    Free Member

    Thanks for the recommendations for the Gloworm X2 – glad you happy with them.

    We also have the X1 arriving imminently which will be perfect for helmet use with the light head weighing under 60g including the mount. It will be pushing out around 900 lumens from a Cree XM-L U3 emitter. It’s on pre-sale offer for a few more days at £100.

    Free Member

    From the Gloworm X2 web page

    4 Modes – Trail, Commuter, Adventure and Bush

    I can’t say I’ve ever needed a light for that 4th mode.

    Free Member

    Glow worm looks around the mark.

    You sound like the man, I take it the pack comes with a 4cell. Is that the battery pack that gives 2.5hrs on full?
    Or does boost mean a lower power setting?

    How about a demo set for the Southwest?


    Bush use maybe used..

    Full Member

    Get the lumenator. Blows my arc away. Was going to keep them for a bar light but sold them to a mate instead.

    Free Member

    You sound like the man, I take it the pack comes with a 4cell. Is that the battery pack that gives 2.5hrs on full?
    Or does boost mean a lower power setting?

    Lol – I’m assured the ‘Bush’ mode is due to the Antipodean origin of the lights. Any other bush that needed 1300 lumens to light it up would be scary!

    The X2 will run for at least 2.5 hours at the maximum 1200 lumen setting in Trail mode from the standard 4 cell pack. It comes with this pack as standard.

    The X1 will run at max power of around 900 lumens for at least 4 hours with the optional 4 cell pack (it usually will be supplied with a 2 cell pack).

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