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  • Lifeline Essential Torque Wrench- Dumb Question
  • dpfr
    Full Member

    OK so I am the proud owner of this torque wrench. I can alter the setting but but this appears to have no effect at all on the torque actually applied, which is humungous at all settings.

    I have even been reduced to reading the instruction leaflet without making any progress.

    Before I make an idiot of myself by taking it back to the supplier becuse it is faulty, am I missing somethig really obvious, like a lock?

    Can anyone who has one of these advise please?

    Free Member

    I’ve had a faulty torque wrench (not Lifeline) and returned it without a problem

    I’ve also got one that only sets torque for a RH thread (it’s meant to be like that). If you use it on a LH thread (BB cup) it just keeps tightening

    Free Member

    Not sure if this is helpful but with my torque wrench the actual ratcheting wrench bit does not adjust.The torque is adjusted my means of a sprung-loaded mechanism in the neck of the wrench. When you reach the set torque, the neck flexes slightly – only by maybe 15 degrees or so. You can carry on tightening if you fail to notice this, so it’s important to tighten slowly so you notice the slight flex at the given time.
    This might not apply to all torque wrenches though.

    Free Member

    Just looed at your wrench online – looks identical system to mine.

    Full Member

    Thanks very much. I understand it a bit better now and think it probably is working but will fiddle around some more before attacking some expensive new carbon with it

    Free Member

    Other minor and possibly obvious thing to say is don’t leave the wrench tensioned – reduce the torque to zero between uses.

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