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  • Lakes nuclear dump?
  • xcgb
    Free Member

    Just heard about this, apologies if its been done but its gotta to be important to many folks on here


    Full Member

    I’d be happy to have it in the Chilterns. They’re even putting in a new railway that could be used to bring the waste!

    I’d be even happier to see it “burnt” in a new generation of nukes but at least if we put it into storage it’ll be there for when the oil runs out.

    Free Member

    Sounds like the usual nimbyism from retired white settlers.

    Ask the real locals, who I’m sure would be very much for the increased employment opportunities helping retain young adults in the area and supporting a rural economy.

    Same nonsense going on over my side of the solway with wind turbines…

    Free Member

    Its always struck me as odd the Nimby thing, its normally only people that it affects that care, so that would mainly be people who live there! Other people aren’t generally going to campaign on your behalf

    Free Member


    You mean “Repository”

    Full Member

    Lets store it under London.
    Plenty of room there.
    Or Surrey. S’nice and quiet.

    See who complains then.

    Full Member
    Free Member

    Without the nuclear industry, all that’s left for normal working Cumbrian’s is serving tea [on minimum wage] dressed as a character from Beatrix Potter

    Free Member

    Or farming.

    Free Member

    I read somewhere that the site could be 4 times the size of sellafield which is huge. It seems daft to **** over an area of one of the most beautiful national parks in the world, just to keep a few local people (me) in a job.

    Just build some more reactors or something.

    Full Member

    Why can’t it go down unused coal mines?

    Free Member

    My fav bit is with Allerdale and Cumbria County Council: they were against the zip wire up Honister but they’re looking pretty keen on an underground dump. It’s reassuring to know they’ve got my best interests at heart 😯

    Full Member

    Why can’t it go down unused coal mines?

    Geological stability/permeability – it needs to be somewhere very stable with a very slow groundwater flow. Coal mines tend to be the exact opposite, whilst igneous formations (such as on the west coast of Cumbria) tend to be very stable.

    Free Member

    Sounds like the usual nimbyism from retired white settlers.

    Sounds like knee jerk reactionary drivel from you tbh nimbyism and white settlers – awesome use of logic.
    As noted only those affecected complain.
    the fact it is never done in a highely populated area shows that no one really wants this near them for obvious reasons [ which you may disagree with if you wish] but they are obvious.

    Ask the real locals, who I’m sure would be very much for the increased employment opportunities helping retain young adults in the area and supporting a rural economy

    Oh i like playing the guessing game about what folk i have never met feel about issues.

    Free Member

    The repository will be hundreds of metres underground. The surface footprint will be very small.

    Free Member

    Hey – send it to the moon – nothing would go wrong (Space 1999) LOL 🙂

    Full Member

    The repository will be hundreds of metres underground. The surface footprint will be very small.

    Anyone interested should have a read of this presentation which puts forward a not-entirely unconvincing view of the possible impact of the infrastructure needed for first the testing, then the implementation of a storage facility based around Gillerthwaite in Ennerdale.


    Free Member

    Why can’t it go down unused coal mines?

    +1 Stick it all in Yorkshire.

    Though it stinks of Nimbyism, down in Devon/cornwall we get a lot of it. Some rich tits from London buy a nice weekend house, then get their stink up when Tesco want to build a superstore that would provide a couple of hundred jobs, Wind farms bringing in contract or a new road.

    On the subject of background radioation I’m sure the granite of Dartmoor would kick out more than that would.

    Free Member

    Hardly recent news either – national repository has been discussed for donkeys years…

    Free Member

    the fact it is never done in a highely populated area shows that no one really wants this near them for obvious reasons [ which you may disagree with if you wish] but they are obvious.

    Really? We store a fair amount of active material bang smack in the middle of Plymouth.

    To me it makes sense to store in Cumbria. The geology is right and the low population reduces risk. Whether or not you agree with the ethics behind nuclear power, at the end of the day, it has to go somewhere.

    Free Member

    Got a mate thats already laying concrete for the above ground facilities – its on the boil.

    Think hes working out Whitehaven way, bit hush-hush but had a few and beans were spilled …

    Free Member

    Personally I think the power stations and repository should be close to the source… I mean if it is that safe and clean what is the problem with putting it near London?

    Free Member

    Am I right in thinking we already have 35000 tons of waste?

    Free Member

    Got a mate thats already laying concrete for the above ground facilities – its on the boil.

    Deep waste repository is many years from construction. There is a Low Level Waste Repository near Drigg which he could be working on… Not hush hush though, and neither will the deep repository be once the decision is made about where to put it. If you’re particularly interested see here:
    Current status of Higher Level Waste Disposal in UK

    Am I right in thinking we already have 35000 tons of waste?

    Last inventory of UK nuclear waste was in 2010:
    2010 Waste Inventory

    the fact it is never done in a highely populated area shows that no one really wants this near them for obvious reasons [ which you may disagree with if you wish] but they are obvious.

    Do you know where the UK’s nuclear warheads are manufactured?? 🙄

    Free Member

    I reckon that we should have done it somewhere further North – rushed the job through and got the waste down there in the repository before the Scottish independence referendum! Your problem now boys 😀

    Full Member

    This is terrible news and must be stopped

    I’d encourage anyone who loves riding in the lakes to sign the following petition


    I don’t normally publicise such links, but 38Degrees are really good and have helped overturn some major things recently



    Free Member

    How exactly is an underground nuclear repository going to stop anyone riding their bikes in the Lakes?

    Free Member

    This is terrible news and must be stopped

    I’d encourage anyone who loves riding in the lakes to sign the following petition



    Serious question Jon, what should we do with the waste we’ve already accumulated and has no other disposal solution? Like it or not, we have nuclear waste. What do we do with it?

    Playing devil’s advocate somewhat but it will have NO impact on anyone who loves riding in the lake district, you won’t see it, you won’t know it’s there and it won’t have any impact on our day to day lives or those of our children’s children’s children etc. All the shoite that is pumped out of coal fired power stations or all the waste we bury in landfills (heavy metals, carcinogens, non-degradable hydrocarbon products etc etc) are all a much great and more immediate risk to our landscape and health.

    Free Member

    Sounds like knee jerk reactionary drivel from you tbh nimbyism and white settlers – awesome use of logic.
    As noted only those affecected complain.

    Erm do you live there? Have you experience in these things? Those most outspoken on these matters are usually those who have personally invested in their little piece of “perfect landscape” and thus get shirty when progress and the need for employment encroach on their personal retirement havens. And that is ignoring the Swampy et al who just generally stand in the way of progress under the guise of saving the planet.

    the fact it is never done in a highely populated area shows that no one really wants this near them for obvious reasons [ which you may disagree with if you wish] but they are obvious.

    or perhaps the geography and geology of these remote areas is the real reason these project are situated there in the first place.
    You do know a similar exercise in Sweden had two towns virtually BIDDING to be the winner of the process!

    Oh i like playing the guessing game about what folk i have never met feel about issues.

    as you said only those “affected complain about these things” – guessing plenty in West Cumbria are delighted then! Unless you know otherwise…

    Free Member

    Isle of Man would be a good place, same type of rock and easy to exclude from traveling if things go wrong and with clever engineering they could extract heat from the waste and turn it in to a tropical paradise, heaven knows it needs something to liven it up.

    Free Member

    Well glow in the dark trees will make night riding easier 😀

    Jokes aside…not read anything about it yet so am sitting on the fence until I have.

    I did think we should consider using the Falklands for this kind of thing and then see if anyone still wanted to take it from us.

    Free Member

    Seeing as nuclear waste is so inert and causes no problems to the population and will create jobs making a big hole in the countryside to bury it.

    So why not use the

    Isle of man,

    Isle of white, or

    Northern ireland,

    nice little enclaves easily protected, and just move or leave the natives there to work with the stuff

    Free Member

    boltonjon – Member

    This is terrible news and must be stopped

    I’d encourage anyone who loves riding in the lakes to sign the following petition


    I don’t normally publicise such links, but 38Degrees are really good and have helped overturn some major things recently



    somehow, i find myself on 38degrees mailing list.

    increasingly, i feel inclined to ask to be removed from said list, it seems as if they’re against anything happening anywhere ever, and that’s just not a helpful way to behave.

    this crap has to go somewhere, it makes some kind of sense to me that it goes somewhere it (or the industry required) is welcome.

    it seems the only place with a sympathetic council is Cumbria – so here we are.

    Free Member

    Yeah I removed myself from their list for the very same reason.

    Free Member

    Yet they will not allow a zip wire.

    Free Member

    or perhaps the geography and geology of these remote areas is the real reason these project are situated there in the first place.

    Yes that will be it – I mean apart from that everyone would be desperate for one of those near them 😕

    You do know a similar exercise in Sweden had two towns virtually BIDDING to be the winner of the process!

    Only two – that seems remarkably low for all of Sweden – its a geology problem isn’t it rather than a popularity/risk thing I assume

    Free Member

    As someone near enough to be affected by an accident at Sellafield and what a slight breeze might bring, I do find myself recognising the stuff has to go somewhere but thinking London/the home counties would be ideal. After all they get the majority of the nice so only fair they get this too surely?

    Free Member

    We should sell it to Iran, get some third party to convince them they can make bombs out of it..

    or sell it to the jocks, just say it’s half price, and suggest they could maybe sell it on to Iran..

    I’m sure they’d buy it all.

    Free Member

    bury it in the shareholders back yards

    Free Member

    Great, another ton thread.

    Oh, “Lakes” 😳

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