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  • Kona Honzo ESD
  • Anyone got one – they look like a load of fun and some good money off the 2022 at Winstanleys at the moment?


    Full Member

    That front wheel looks in a different postcode 😳make climbing interesting I would have thought? Winch and Plummet ?

    Full Member

    I’ve got one bought from winstanleys. Had it for a couple of months. It has a very similar reach to my chameleon but feels noticeably shorter due to the steep SA. Climbs well imo – better than my V2 cc solo up steep stuff. Seems oddly compliant at the rear running same tyres, inserts and wheel size as the chameleon. Don’t know if that’s due to the frame, wheels, or what. Feels like light will bend around it, mind your back picking it up, but a lot of that is the gears – the chameleon is SS. Everything worked very well out of the box but I needed to get the mech hanger aligned for the indexing to work properly. I have some thicker grips to put on and carbon riser to go on. The grips will get changed as soon as they arrive but I want to spend more time on it before I change the bars to make sure I get a good comparison.

    Everything said about the spec rings true imo. Decent bike for the sale price imv. Pleased with it.

    What’s the weight like @Del and how are you running the rear end, long or short?

    *edit, just noticed your comment about picking it up

    Full Member

    Haven’t weighed it. If you can’t find that out in a few days I’ll take the scales from work home. I think it’s North of 30 pounds though… 😬

    The dropouts are about centred as the bike was supplied. More time on it required before I start screwing with stuff too much.

    Full Member

    It motors downhill, climbs just fine, and gets in to the air without any trouble at all.

    Free Member

    The standard steel Honzo was the best mountain bike I ever owned.

    Full Member

    I love the idea of one (and just look at it!) but ruled it out due to the front-centre vs chainstay length in the larger sizes. My height and preference would’ve put me firmly on an XL and I don’t like the idea of the long reach (525mm) combined with short (417mm) chainstays. Needs longer chainstays to balance that reach IMO. But saying that, I’ve not ridden one and know others who have (including being chased down Golfie by someone riding one) so it definitely works for some!

    I bought a XL BFeMAX instead with 510mm reach and 444mm chainstays.

    combined with short (417mm) chainstays.

    It’s got sliding dropouts – 16mm adjustment up to 433mm, albeit that may still be a tad short

    Full Member

    It’s got sliding dropouts – 16mm adjustment up to 433mm, albeit that may still be a tad short

    Indeed it does (I was aware as I still have delusions of revisiting singlespeeding sometime!) but didn’t realise it had that range of adjustability. You’re right that 433 might still be a tad short comined with the XL’s reach – for me personally at least. Less of an issue on the smaller sizes or folk less PITA’y than me.

    If it fitted I’d be very tempted. Lovely bike.

    Free Member

    Great deal on that, would love one. Very similar geo to my hello dave which is a great laugh and surprisingly normal to ride. Didn’t hardtail party review one? 

    Free Member

    Interesting. Geo is very close to a Ragley Big AL, which may or may not be more comfortable/durable but can currently be built for quite a lot less money.

    Yeah, I’m leaning towards a Big Al, but….

    I have had Kona HT since 1997 and something about me fancies another

    I have an irrational desire for my HT’s to be steel – considered a Big Wig full bike. Better spec than the full Big Al, but probably 3-4lb heavier. The Kona might be heavier still


    A Big Al can be built lighter and cheaper – although to the spec of the Honzo, not ‘that’ much cheaper.

    Overall, I think the geo of the Ragley may just be a bit more suited to me.

    To summarise. I don’t bloody know 🤣

    Full Member

    but probably 3-4lb heavier. The Kona might be heavier still

    Weight’s not everything. It’d be the Kona for me in your situation.

    Similarly, I had a great-riding Norco Torrent AL hardtail: great geometry and a 150mm fork, similar idea to the Big Al. But it wasn’t steel and I didn’t ever bond with it. Spotted the BFeMAX frame for sale locally. Much happier back on steel (and back on another Cotic).

    Free Member

    A Big Al can be built lighter and cheaper – although to the spec of the Honzo, not ‘that’ much cheaper.

    About £400 by the time I have upgraded the damper in the Revelation…It’s in the Ragley PSA thread.

    Full Member

    ive got a Honzo DL
    which is aluminium, steeper ha, shorter reach a 140mm Z2
    so a completely different bike!!
    BUT its absolutely brilliant, 2.6 in tyres, ive no idea what Voodoo goes into it, but it just works so well, its only really big drops that my 160mm enduro bike is noticeably better on.


    Full Member

    I’ve ridden an ESD a few times (can’t remember the spec, but it had DT EX471 rims I believe. It was a great ride. Handled the DH well (BPW and Cwmcarn) and I’ve ridden one around FOD and Dartmoor on some more XC rides. They go up well and down great. I don’t notice them being super heavy, but then I’ve never been a weight weenie. I’d consider getting one if I needed a new bike. Especially now NP and Ragley are a bit of a risk.

    Full Member

    About £400 by the time I have upgraded the damper in the Revelation…It’s in the Ragley PSA thread.

    How much of it did you already own?

    About £400 by the time I have upgraded the damper in the Revelation…It’s in the Ragley PSA thread.

    Just done a fag packet tot up of the Kona parts on a (discounted) Ragley frame and it comes to circa £1800 and I probably missed a few bits of finishing kit.

    Add to that you’re getting a £900 frame Vs a £350 (RRP) frame.

    Not knocking the Ragley and it’s a definite contender for me, but you’re not strictly comparing apples with apples

    Free Member

    Guys I am comparing like for like at new prices including all parts of course, happy to supply the MI ;-). In fact I have now bought a new 36 Rythm and the gap is still £400 of course as I don’t have to upgrade the damper.
    Of course the frame are different and if the frame is worth £900 to someone I totally accept that suddenly the bike is good value.
    For me it’s probably worth no more than the £190 I paid for the Ragley. In fact I really wonder if it’s a better ride even though it needs to be if it’s really more than 4 times the price.

    Full Member

    I had a steel honzo about 5 years ago, cracking bike that was one of the best HT’s I have ever owned.

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