I can see the need for shock clearance, but beyond that, why use more metal than necessary? Greater length of tube, and I’m sure it could be thinner gauge and be the same strength if if it was straighter?
You see, I agree with you nedrapier, I’m normally a fan of straight tubes, simplicity, purposefulness. Yet seeing that Kona, it instantly hit me as a strong awesome looking bike: it made me want it. It took me a while to work out why I liked it.
I’ve realised a big part of it is the raw, no stickers, no logos, plain metalness of it. If Kona (or any company, really) had the balls to keep their bikes like that, I think there’s a whole load of people out there who would be really drawn to that, and it would give a company that image of rough and ready bike-tool-gear, if you know what I mean.