Home Forums Bike Forum Knog Scout users – a query (or should I stick with an AirTag?)

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  • Knog Scout users – a query (or should I stick with an AirTag?)
  • a11y
    Full Member

    I’m considering Knog Scouts for the family bike fleet. The motion activation: how much movement is required before it triggers the alarm and alerts you?

    Our bikes are stored in wall-mounted Steadyracks. They’re packed closely together requiring bikes either side of the one I’m removing to be pivoted out the way, e.g. to access bike B, the bikes either side (bike A and bike C) need to be moved by approx 40-50cm. Would that trigger the alarm/alert?

    It’d be a pain having to deactivate the alarms on every bike when removing just the one bike from storage…

    I initially thought about just getting plain AirTags and hiding them in the bikes, but the Knog things are similar cost with the added bonus of the alarm.

    Free Member

    “the bikes either side  need to be moved by approx 40-50cm. Would that trigger the alarm/alert?”


    Full Member

    Thanks. Ah well, normal AirTags and deactivated speakers it is then.

    Just realised Knog is a non-starter on one of my bikes anyway due to complete lack of bottle bosses.

    Full Member

    Is there an android equivalent to the Scout? I have seen a few devices that work but they are just tags and not alarms which I think is the great advantage of the Knog.

    Full Member

    We have 2, 1 seems ok, the other one is running out of battery every week at only 6 months old.

    Full Member

    I’ve got two Knog Scouts. They are very sensitive.

    Really useful if you want the alarm to sound if someone tries moving your bike.

    Really annoying if you’ve got the bike hanging up in the side passage and you accidentally brush against it while the alarm is set!

    Full Member

    I have 3. Not very loud, average battery life and not especially waterproof. The setup is also a bit of a faff.

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