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  • Knocked off me bike and insurance company not helpful
  • dr_sam
    Full Member

    My RoadRat had a disagreement with a renault clio over a month ago. Her insurers are dragging their heels. How long does it take to settle? I’ve done the police thing and got a valuation…which they won’t accept. They’ve passed me through five different claims departments. I guess the next step is their complaints department. Whats after that? The small claims courts? Any advice out there?

    Free Member

    Do you have insurance – use home insurance legal cover?

    Free Member

    best to have your own cover – free with ctc memebrship- and unleash your hounds on their hounds.. they are trying to mess you about hoping you will get bored and just go away …keep going

    Free Member


    claim for all expenses and damage to you , and time off work, etc etc, and its free, ignore the insurance company.

    Free Member

    Insurance Ombubdsman- contact them. Advise her insurance company you will be putting in a complaint and asking for their help.

    Full Member

    A month isn’t too long in insurance land, but if you don’t appear to getting anywhere you need to push. Legal bods will help, you might have it already as an add-on to house insurance or car insurance. I even get some free by paying my subs at the working mens club down the road. Once they see they’ll have to pay lawyer’s costs as well as fixing a bike, things often start moving again. (mrs midlife does this sort of thing for a living)

    Free Member

    Remember, your claim is against her, not her insurance company. Tell her that if she doesn’t pay inside 7 days then you’ll start proceedings in Small Claims Court. Her insurance will tell you that it’s not the way the system works. That’s bullshit. Sue her, she is responsible, and she has to pay. If she wants to use her insurance to save dipping into her pocket that’s her perogative. Doesn’t change the fact that she owes you. Don’t be bullied by insurance companies who don’t want to pay out.

    Free Member


    ring up the BC firm and ask them to represen you on a no-win no fee basis,

    and join BC/ CTC

    Free Member

    Insurance Ombubdsman- contact them. Advise her insurance company you will be putting in a complaint and asking for their help
    pointless until you’ve complained to the insurance company first.

    Full Member

    Pointless bothering with complaining about the insurance company – you’re not their customer and therefore it can’t be a valid complaint (even though very sh1te service). Bet it’s a cheap insurer too…

    What the guys above say is right – pressure her and let her chase her insurers. Log EVERY expense (loss of use?) you have an keep adding to it. Look into small claims court costs and got for it after the appointed period… and add the cost of it to the claim.

    Worth trying your household insurance to see if they can be off assistance too. Do this first before any of the above (as pre-incurred costs are never covered).

    Free Member

    Worth trying your household insurance to see if they can be off assistance too. Do this first before any of the above (as pre-incurred costs are never covered).

    Not true. My household insurance took on a claim I’d started as no-win-no-fee with bikeline (though I’m guessing that’s down to the way bikeline accounted). In the event I wished I didn’t have the legal cover, as bikeline would have carried on at the point my household insurance decided to stop – fortunately I put my own money behind my convictions and following further reports, insurance restarted funding (and I eventually won).

    Free Member

    Send the car owner a draft N1 Small claims form correctly filled out with all the evidence enclosed and all costs. State you are allowing her two weeks for her defence and any attempt to settle before resorting to court. Post a copy to her insurers. Phone the insurers as many times a day you can. Do not back down on the claim amount.

    If you make fobbing you off cost more than paying out, they will deal with you quicker. You can’t claim back legal fees with small claims so it will cost them a minimum of £400 in legal fees even if they won. It’s a good threat.

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