Must admit i’ve been in cars with stoned drivers in the past, they don’t/i didn’t see it as a problem at the time(It’s not as bad as drink driving, but its still unacceptable tbh).
Being honest i doubt i’d personally stick someone i know in, so I’m aware I’d be part of the problem(talking historically, it’s been years, and we did actually been caught by the polis too, nothing happened to any of us, but this was the late 90s. polis were more interested in finding out if i’d divulge info on the local loonballs, i had no info to divulge even if i wanted to, they were bawbags about that actually but that’s another story) But i do agree with the zero tolerance approach to stoned driving.
Bit shit sticking a whole load of people in for weed, but i guess we need to start the zero tolerance thing somewhere to get the message across.
A good start would be providing legal establishments where people can smoke their lungs out away from the cars.