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  • This topic has 220 replies, 39 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by grum.
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  • Ken Clarke
  • boblo
    Free Member

    No Toys, it’s binary – everyone knows that. Serious/non serious.

    Rearrange: to, wrong, conclusion, jumped

    Free Member

    TJ wrote

    Try reading what I wrote carefully

    I give up. You continually reduce threads to a pathetic “misunderstood TJ against the world” and refuse to acknowledge or accept that another point of view might actually have some merit. Do you really think that anyone has the time or inclination to go back over your every word?

    There is a broad agreement on this thread regarding rape and what could have been an interesting an enlightening discussion has once again been reduced to petty point scoring and semantics.

    Well done, I hope you think you won 🙁

    Free Member



    Full Member

    leffeboy – by referring to “serious rape” that must mean there is non serious rape.. he did not say “more serious” he said “serious”

    No. It means that there can be less serious rape rather than non-serious. I would choose ‘less serious’, you would choose ‘non-serious’. The point is that the whole of this huge discussion is falling on the interpretation of the opposite of a single word. Something that wasn’t actually said but was implied was said

    what nonsense is that

    And nicely put toys19

    Free Member

    Is there non-serious murder?

    The debate over first and second degree murder never got quite so emotive IIRC.


    I’m reasonably sure that KC meant serious and more-serious. That’s a perfectly valid thing to debate but suggesting that he meant that some rape is not serious is party politics, taking advantage of a poor choice of words by KC. All IMO of course.

    Free Member

    Interesting link here on the cps website – cps sentencing manual on rape[/url]

    Essentially it breaks down all the categories of “seriousness” and pretty much blows Milliband out of the water.

    Free Member

    People really get hung up over the odd detail and use of words in a conversation. I heard the interview live, and just knew some people would boil over what he said.

    It was quite clear what he was saying, and a fair enough point. People like TJ are the reason why politicians have to act like moronic robots, much the same as other high profile people.

    Free Member

    I’m reasonably sure that KC meant serious and more-serious. That’s a perfectly valid thing to debate but suggesting that he meant that some rape is not serious is party politics, taking advantage of a poor choice of words by KC. All IMO of course.

    This is essentially the truth, the key things being “I’m reasonabaly sure” and “IMO of course”.

    No one really knows whether KC has an outdated view on rape, they can only make assumptions on what he says. In this case he seems to have used the wrong words and the question is whether that was a simple mistake or whether it was more of a ‘Freudian slip’ (for want of a better phrase), and betrayed his true opinion on the matter.

    Free Member

    Oh lord I thought this had all been sorted out yesterday afternoon?

    Can I raise the point about the 6% conviction rate please because I don’t think it’s technically correct.

    This was brought up a few months back by one of the women in the shadow cabinet, (was it Yvette Cooper?)

    At that time the statistic was criticised for being very misleading because the conviction rate for rape cases that are actually prosecuted is actuyally 58%, broadly the same as for all other crimes

    The MP concerned was using it to make a political (and in my view a gender political) point and has been criticised on both the left and the right for a number of reasons, not least because it could easily disuade more victims from reporting a rape, wrongly believing a conviction was almost impossible.

    It’s more correct to say that the ratio between reported cases and prosecution is very low and there will be a whole host of reasons for that.

    Free Member

    Sensible question(?) What’s the ratio of report/prosecute for serious crime in general?

    BTW getting everyone away from speculating on what KC actually meant is really not helpful 🙂

    Free Member

    The MP concerned was using it to make a political (and in my view a gender political) point and has been criticised on both the left and the right for a number of reasons, not least because it could easily disuade more victims from reporting a rape, wrongly believing a conviction was almost impossible.

    I think the same about the interviewer yesterday. By stating that a convicted rapits will be back on the streets in a year, she’s going to put victims off reporting the crime.

    Free Member

    It was Harriet Harman that made the statement and it was Lady Stern, who put together the Stern Report on the subject, who criticised her for it, suggesting the figure of 6% was reached in a way not used for evaluating any other crime statistics. Stern also said there was annecdotal evidence that the use of the 6% figure had indeed disuaded women from reporting their ordeal.

    It seems that around 25% of reported cases are actually prosectued and of those 58% result in conviction. That conviction rate is actually higher than for a lot of other violent offences.

    What I am not sure I get is how the 6% figure, right or otherwise, is actually reached since 58% of 25% gives a conviction ratio of reports to convictions of 14.5%.

    Free Member

    Good points GT and mike.

    The way this has been reported will have a much more detrimental effect than anything Clarke actually said in relation to the reform, which I believe was very positive step for victims.

    It’s a shame that more prominence can’t be given to the figures above but I guess that wouldn’t make much of a headline. Balanced reporting seems to be a thing of the past.

    Free Member

    fixed mikes link[/url] which is worth a read.

    Free Member

    Some people just want to be “outraged” about issues (especially when there is political prejudice involved) and jump on a miss chosen word and just don’t let go.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    A pal of mine 3 years ago was “done” for statuatory rape, he was 16 and 4 months, girlfriend was 14 and 11 months, her father was well placed in the legal system (I’m not saying any more as many of you will have read about this) and to my mind used his position to mitigate his inabilty to accept his daughters inevitable progress in life. The lad has a prison sentence, criminal record and is on the register, because he was as much in love as any of us were when we were 16. Legally he is a rapist, morally he is a boy who has been raped by the system.

    I’ve been asked to correct this I posted on p3.

    It was unlawful sex with a minor not rape, so he isn’t legally a rapist, althoguh I still maintain he was raped by the system, he had a custodial sentence and is ont he register.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the link Toys – exactly what I was trying to say but rather more eloquently written.

    Edit: That Laurie Penny article is a disgrace

    Free Member

    I’ve been asked to correct this I posted on p3.

    Doesn’t it depend on when it happened? I think the law was changed in 2003 according to TJ.

    Oh and if you want to see gender politics in action, just read or listen to Laurie Penny.

    Free Member

    allthepies – Member
    Some people just want to be “outraged” about issues (especially when there is political prejudice involved) and jump on a miss chosen word and just don’t let go.

    Anyone in mind 😉

    Free Member

    I’ve been asked to correct this I posted on p3.

    Doesn’t it depend on when it happened? I think the law was changed in 2003 according to TJ.

    Maybe but in this case I was asked to change it by the defense barrister in the case who I know and pointed towards this thread for interest, I had mistated the facts, and was asked to correct it.

    Free Member

    Oh good lord, that’s quite a bit different to your average STW retraction!

    Free Member

    Toys, you were asked by the Defence Barrister…? Does he/she ride a mountain bike and subscribe to STW? 😯

    Free Member

    For what it’s worth I think by using the term ‘Serious’ there was pretty obvious implication that there was such a category as ‘non-serious’. He then went on to talk about underage sex, and date-rape,in terms than some of those cases may not be He has since clarified that he thinks all rape is serious. By which I think he means date rape and underage sex as well.

    Free Member

    boblo no I

    pointed towards this thread for interest

    they read it (I guess without a logon). This particular barrister prefers read wine, horses and is now a QC, who doesn’t exercise much other than pulling a cork….

    Free Member

    Anyone who is so insensitive as to use the line ‘…Victoria Derbyshire f*cks’ rape victims is really a bit of a tool.

    Free Member

    For what it’s worth I think by using the term ‘Serious’ there was pretty obvious implication that there was such a category as ‘non-serious’.

    Only if you ignore the bit where he says all rape is serious.

    Free Member

    Anyone who is so insensitive as to use the line ‘…Victoria Derbyshire f*cks’ rape victims is really a bit of a tool.

    I think this is just falling victim to the same issues as arguing about Ken’s words.

    Free Member

    Woody – Member

    TJ wrote

    Try reading what I wrote carefully

    I give up. You continually reduce threads to a pathetic “misunderstood TJ against the world” and refuse to acknowledge or accept that another point of view might actually have some merit. Do you really think that anyone has the time or inclination to go back over your every word?

    There is a broad agreement on this thread regarding rape and what could have been an interesting an enlightening discussion has once again been reduced to petty point scoring and semantics.

    Well done, I hope you think you won

    I did not say that at all which is why I asked people actually read what I posted as much of what people calm I say is not what I said. There is not broad agreement – but anyone who disagrees gets shouted down.

    I don’t think I won, I don’t believe in winners and losers in this sort of debate. Do you think you won because all the people who think Clarks attitude is acceptable shouted down anyone who dared disagree of which there are a few?

    I shut Up ( nice tag) because I had made the point and there was nothing else to say

    Free Member

    I had made the point and there was nothing else to say

    Never stopped you before.

    Free Member

    I am trying (to learn) 🙂
    Tag now removed

    Free Member

    teej that was my tag how were you able to remove it?

    Free Member

    Mods I suspect…

    and fair play to TJ for at least trying to change. The first step… 😉

    Free Member

    toys – I have the majik keyboard

    I didn’t – I was laughing at it and didn’t complain to the mods either.

    Free Member

    I cannot see why it was removed. no fair.

    Free Member

    The road to redemption….

    Nah, I just thought you were so embarrassed, you’d gone off to self flagellate for half an hour 🙂

    Free Member

    For what it’s worth I think by using the term ‘Serious’ there was pretty obvious implication that there was such a category as ‘non-serious’.

    Only if you ignore the bit where he says all rape is serious.

    but that was much later. He didn’t say that at the time he referred to serious rape. So do you think he is he now saying that underage sex and the varying degrees of date rape are all serious rapes?

    Free Member


    Or…. anything that is defined as ‘Rape’ is automatically ‘serious’.

    Free Member

    Anyone who is so insensitive as to use the line ‘…Victoria Derbyshire f*cks’ rape victims is really a bit of a tool.

    I think this is just falling victim to the same issues as arguing about Ken’s words.

    Can you explain for me?
    Ultimately, it’s not really very nice is it.

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