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  • The Panama Papers.
  • jambalaya
    Free Member

    Actually in realtiy they do – no amount of private health insurance is going to help you in a life threatening situation, an ex boss sadly passed away from cancer – cared for totally on the nhs. He must have been worth £200m ? Perfect example of the benefis of immigration as he came here from fhe US on a visa before getting his uk passport. I very much doubt his estate paid any inheritance tax

    Free Member

    Its really tiresome seeing the usual right wing suspects deny /refusing to accept what the actual issue- he probably did nothing wrong legally. Many find it questionable morally to have made his money in this way, to preach to us all about tax transparency and to claim we are all in it together.
    Its really not complicated to grasp though it seems beyond the grasp of the right wing on here even with ad nauseum repetition

    That is what Dave did initially and why he had such a bad week – except in the eyes of Ninfan

    Junky, I don’t think you have got a single element of my point.

    The point is that none of this makes any difference – the left are so deeply committed to searching for the ‘silver bullet’, that sudden revelation that will cause the masses to rise up in consternation and topple Cameron and the evil Tories from government, that they have continued to utterly ignore getting their own house in order and making themselves electable.

    Cameron could stand at the dispatch box tomorrow, deep thrusting a pigs head while burning fifty pound notes, while Osborne snorted lines of finest Bolivian from Theresa Mays jubllies, and the Tories would still get reelected in 2015 under their new leader – because Cameron’s standing down anyway, and Labour still aren’t doing anything to try and win!

    Full Member

    they have access to the same education, healthcare and welfare support system as those with £100k

    It’s like the Tory party, through its endless benevolence, has delivered us all into a socialist utopia, isn’t it?

    Full Member

    It is a good job other crimes don’t need to be so specifically excluded in law. If burglary didn’t specifically describe forcing a wooden door with a yale lock using a stanley screwdriver (with black and yellow handle), then that would be a perfectly reasonable way to manage my widescreen television portfolio. And if they did specify that method then I could use another coloured screwdriver and it would all be perfectly acceptable.

    Full Member

    they have access to the same education, healthcare and welfare support system as those with £100k

    Which is why life expectancy if you are born in Kensington an Chelsea is 85 years and 75 years if you are born in Blackpool

    Free Member

    Ultimately I think he just doesn’t understand that the majority of people in this country will never see the funds that offshore Dave seems to so casually dismiss.


    Some people are richer than you or me, they are more talented than you or me, they are better looking etc….there it a random distribution of these things at birth. Get over it…..no more than that, deal with it.

    50% of all UK households have less than 1.5k in savings, in fact over a third have £0.

    Shocking true. Who’s fault?

    living with no spare money or especially in debt is tough enough


    without our uber privileged PM getting all puffy faced and angry because he did ‘nothing wrong and has broken no laws’

    Make not a scrap of different to the previous point. But at least we are getting somewhere ie, “did nothing wrong….” And back to the ultimate sin of all – he is richer than most and his dad was even richer. See below…

    That he just cannot grasp this is the only reason that this has been such a PR balls up

    “RESIGN!!!! BURN HIM……..”

    Full Member

    Butning him is a bit harsh, but if he wants to resign, im cool with that

    Full Member

    The front page of the Daily Fail today is priceless. The headline instructs Dave to stop ‘grovelling to the politics of envy mob’ 😆

    Free Member

    So, let’s offer a sojourn down fantasy lane for a minute…

    Cameron resigns, and the Tories select a new PM (you did realise that this doesn’t trigger an election, didn’t you?) who was going to be taking over at the next election anyway…

    Where does that get you?

    Free Member

    Well burn his mother instead – do you know she gave him money? A lot of it in fact…..immoral *****

    The Torygraph (yes, ok) and Charles Moore (yes, ok – at least up front, sorry TRANSPARENT, with the bias here) get it right

    “Once he began, years ago, to play along with the essentially left-wing idea that private money is suspect (c’mon Charles, evil not suspect) and that tax planning and legal (what?) avoidance are immoral (that’s better), he was trapped. Now everything he has done in this area (you mean his immoral behaviour?) is made to look dodgy (look, it’s an outrage…the b’stard a posh, English c***, to coin a phrase)”

    Full Member

    Some people are richer than you or me, they are more talented than you or me, they are better looking etc….there it a random distribution of these things at birth. Get over it…..no more than that, deal with it.

    And yet they claim to be just like us (well, not you, obvs.) and wear an orange vest to work, and support a football team (West Ham, Aston Villa, whatever) when in fact they are far from just like us, and their wealth gives them power and influence that normal people, will never have – power to change the rules of the game so that they can later claim to have done nothing “illegal”.

    Full Member

    Indeed and they have access to the same education, healthcare and welfare support system as those with £100k in the bank and the right to apply for social housing too.

    And there you betray your complete and utter ignorance of reality, not to mention your underlying hatred of the poor.

    Free Member

    And yet they claim to be just like us (well, not you, obvs.) and wear an orange vest to work, and support a football team (West Ham, Aston Villa, whatever) when in fact they are far from just like us,

    Burn ‘ em twice

    and their wealth gives them power and influence that normal people, will never have

    Much better to have some normal * bloke in high rank boffing his assistant in his office. More people can do that I guess and at least that’s not immoral…..

    – power to change the rules of the game so that they can later claim to have done nothing “illegal”.

    So Dr, what did he change that allowed him to claim later to have done nothing illegal and where was the claim false?

    * did you know that he (the abnormal one tbc) has three nipples and six fingers too? Burn him…

    Full Member

    THM – you’re starting to sound a lot like jambaliar. Not a good thing.

    Free Member

    And the answers….?

    Full Member

    Socialism, brother !

    Some people are richer than you or me, they are more talented than you or me, they are better looking

    Well we can’t redistribute genes but we can redistribute the wealth, assuming it’s not kept hidden from the taxman 😉

    Full Member

    Was there a question in amongst that sneering condescension ?

    Free Member

    no amount of private health insurance is going to help you in a life threatening situation

    Does your story illustrate that poor people have access to the same healthcare system that rich people do? Or that rich people have access to the same healthcare system that poor people do?

    Free Member

    The clue was in the ? (marks a question apparently) and the introduction “So dr…”

    Easy to miss admittedly. And the answers…..?

    Free Member

    Kimbers keep it quiet but

    Overall, taxes and benefits lead to income being shared more equally between households. After all taxes and benefits are taken into account the ratio between the average incomes of the top and the bottom fifth of households (£60,000 and £15,500 per year respectively) is reduced to four-to-one

    They (the ONS) mentioned it once (OK, many times) but I think they got away with it.

    Mum’s the word, eh

    And the answers Dr?

    Full Member

    Oh this is joyous new THM, or society has eliminated poverty, homelessness and inequality, truly, now is the time to test upon our great laurels

    Full Member

    Oh THU throws in the trickle down effect – unfortunately the whole quote is irrelevent when it relies on taxes. The tax part of the equation is invalid because the 1% weasels have been squirreling their money offshore to avoid tax. So how can you truly calculate the top fifth of household’s income.

    It’s a bit like seeing a wealthy, tax dodging politican’s tax return… guess what it won’t show!

    Free Member

    Glad you are happy kimbers – personally I would like to see a lot more done especially with education.

    What is equally joyous is the rection to strong accusations being challenged. What do they say about the sound of silence?

    (dr tbc that’s a rhetorical question, no need to answer that one, but the other questions….?

    The Guardian has a great piece on what Dave’s tax return summary tells us – oddly accusation free this time. Hmmm……

    Whatever happened to proposer investigative journalism? Cmon boys, the guns smoking, earn you keep…..

    Free Member

    Not really Darc (where’s the photo of Carrington wetting himself?)

    In repsonse to

    Well we can’t redistribute genes but we can redistribute the wealth,

    i posted a summary paragraph from the ONS. And the problem (other than not fitting the intended narrative)?

    It’s a bit like seeing a wealthy, tax dodging politican’s tax return… guess what it won’t show!

    Anything illegal or immoral? Just a thought….

    its still smoking…..

    Free Member

    Income inequality is pretty much meaningless in this discussion. Right wingers like to bring it up all the time.

    As has been shown countless times, we can’t be expected to believe the income figures that the wealthy tell us they are earning.

    Free Member

    Well get digging DD….cmon the guys an immoral bandit. It cant be that hard to find, enough hours have been spent on the issue so far….

    the stake is ready, the tinder primed…..

    (is kimbers a RWer too now?)

    if we cant trust the income figures (and if not he is a criminal – burn him) why all the fuss to publish – very, very odd?

    Free Member

    teamhurtmore – Member

    Overall, taxes and benefits lead to income being shared more equally between households.

    How right-wing do you have to be to come out with that little beauty ?

    Even the Daily Mail is unconvinced :

    Free Member

    I dont know Erie, ask the ONS. They claim to be “the UK largest independent producer of official statistics and the recognised national statistical institute of the UK”

    Of course like Dave (apparently) they could be fibbing and are simply a bunch of swivvle-eyed RW loonies. Who knows eh?

    A massive photo collection of Maggie and quoting the Fail – the Ernie enigma!!! 😉

    Free Member

    How on earth can you get an indirect tax rate for the poorest households in the UK of more than the VAT rate of 20%? The only items that I can think of that are taxed above this rate are petrol, cigarettes and alcohol and lets face it booze and fags are totally discretionary and I’m astonished anyone in that income bracket can run a car at all. There are also many, many things that are taxed at a lower rate (rent, food, electricity, gas).

    Free Member

    I know it’s a very unreliable source (apparently) but the ONS (rabid RWers burn em) explain it as follows

    The amount of indirect tax (such as Value Added Tax (VAT), and duties on alcohol and fuel) each household pays is determined by their expenditure rather than their income. *The richest fifth of households paid just over two and a half times as much indirect tax as the poorest fifth (£9,500 and £3,600 per year, respectively). This reflects greater expenditure on goods and services subject to these taxes by higher income households. However, although richer households pay more in indirect taxes than poorer ones, they pay less as a proportion of their income. This means that indirect taxes increase inequality of income. In 2013/14, the richest fifth of households paid 15% of their disposable income in indirect taxes, while the bottom fifth of households paid the equivalent of 31% of their disposable income.

    * hence it can’t be regressive but let’s not open that can of worms….

    What would the reaction be if it wasn’t published

    People got very agitated, it even made the news. He promised to do so ages ago and now they are all it….ok not all, there’s a few sweaty politicians out there including front benchers I would imagine

    Free Member

    I dont know Erie, ask the ONS. They claim to be “the UK largest independent producer of official statistics and the recognised national statistical institute of the UK”

    Yeah based on the information provided by the ONS you appear to have come to the conclusion that the current arrangements are rather fair.

    Based on exactly the same information from the ONS the Daily Mail has come to the conclusion that the current arrangements are rather unfair to poor people.

    The Daily Mail headline was :

    Poorest families see a bigger slice of their income taken by the taxman than the richest people in Britain


    Free Member

    @kimbers et al we have duscussed the income inequality andnpoverty issue numerous times. There will always be poverty not least as campaigners define if as a percentage of median income so as the Tories pointed out if you put up pensions poverty goes up. What we can be certain of is you’d much rather be poor in UK than India, you’d probably rather be poor in UK than middle class in India. That brings me to income inequality as the un/low skilled worker is competing against a someone from India for work – that is globalisation of manufacturing and in increasingly services.

    @dd once you become very wealthy income, which is upon which most tax systems are based, is not easily measured and is not the same as net worth. Even if you fhink about joe piblic they could buy Apple shares at say $5 15 years ago and if they don’t sell them pay no tax despite them being worth $100 now. What we do know is that the wealthy pay the majority of taxes and they pay a higher proportion of their income than do the poor/middle class. Too much of this debate lumps in the wealthy with the ultra rich and evdn definitions of rich vary widely.

    Corbyn made the wild and inaccurate statement on Marr show that the ri h don’t pay their taxes, well the truth is as a group they do. They pay what is due based on the law and we should recognise that countires compete with each ofher to offer attractive tax regines for them so we should not be surprised if thry take up those offers

    Free Member

    We know you like to make things up about what people say Ernie to create an argument, but I made no conclusion. Just quoted (a very unreliable source admittedly) in respond to kimbers point that we can redistribute income and wealth. But if you want a conclusion – deep breath – yes we can and – another one – we do. And exhale…..

    I dont read the Fail I’m afraid so can’t comment on the quality of their analysis, but most economists are savvy enough to look at the whole tax and benefits system. Who knows, there may be some conclusions in that – I will let you tell my what my conclusion will be….

    Two Fail quotes in a row, you must be itching with the photos… 😉

    still an amusing interlude before the next Dave instalment. When’s the ground breaking next statement due? Will they televise it?

    Free Member

    See the mods have been busy…

    Previous post went something like this:

    why all the fuss to publish?

    What would the reaction be if it wasn’t published?

    You seem to forget this is a small part of a much larger issue:

    For years, the records show, Mossack Fonseca has earned money creating shell companies that have been used by suspected financiers of terrorists and war criminals in the Middle East; drug kings and queens from Mexico, Guatemala and Eastern Europe; nuclear weapons proliferators in Iran and North Korea, and arms dealers in southern Africa.

    Money itself isn’t that evil, but the things people invest it in often are:

    Here is a pic of a 9 year old landmine victim

    in the bigger picture, that image is tame… who funds and authorizes such enterprises?

    Politics of Envy?

    Free Member

    teamhurtmore – Member

    Wwi know you like to make things up about what people say Ernie

    Oh yeah I forgot that you claim to be “politically neutral”, my mistake.

    Full Member

    stolen from ?@Jason_Spacey…
    Dulux have introduced a new ‘David Cameron’s Face’ range to their colour chart

    Free Member

    The amount of indirect tax (such as Value Added Tax (VAT), and duties on alcohol and fuel) each household pays is determined by their expenditure rather than their income

    Just to be clear the calculation first determines the amount of indirect tax paid is based on what is spent which will include the spending of benefits. This tax is then calculated as a percentage of income excluding benefits? If that is the case then that is just a perverse calculation. Never mind right wing/left wing it’s just bad maths!

    Free Member

    Awful picture JHJ but I lack the mental agility to link that to the agitation over the delay in Dave publishing his tax return summary

    But I disagree, it seems money really is the root of all evil. There’s a thread about it somewhereii

    Sorry Ernie, your seem a little confused. No mention of political neutrality here. What you did claim was

    you appear to have come to the conclusion that the current arrangements are rather fair

    Happy to be pointed to where I concluded that and to ignore

    personally I would like to see a lot more done

    Still where would be without fabrication? This thread wouldn’t exist for starters…..

    Free Member

    Dave has his say . . . .

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