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  • The Panama Papers.
  • mefty
    Free Member

    here is an extract from HMRC General Anti Abuse Rule

    It’s meaning is insufficiently clear that HMRC are required to consult an independent advisory panel before applying it.

    Full Member

    lets not forget that just 1 year ago there was an EU vote on clamoping down on tax avoidance, how diud that go?

    Tory and UKIP MEPS vote AGAINST proposals to crack down on tax dodging

    Full Member

    It’s meaning is insufficiently clear that HMRC are required to consult an independent advisory panel before applying it.

    To ISAs ????

    Free Member

    cycle to work

    Yup, that avoids tax too.

    Free Member

    it’s got to the point where people are arguing that having an ISA … is tax avoidance

    An ISA is a savings vehicle specifically aimed at reducing tax liability to zero, thus avoiding it.

    Gosh, thanks for letting us know.

    No problem at all, glad to have cleared up the confusion.

    Free Member

    Yup, that avoids tax too.

    As does eating cakes instead of biscuits, don’t forget.

    Full Member

    and not driving your car 🙄

    Free Member

    No problem at all, glad to have cleared up the confusion.

    I don’t think anyone is confused, especially about those who are not arguing in good faith.

    Free Member

    outofbreath – is this really the best level of argument you can come up with? Because it comes across as childish trolling at best.

    Free Member

    and not driving your car

    I cycled to work today. When should I expect the tribunal?

    Free Member

    …and don’t forget that by being resident in the UK you’re (probably) avoiding paying tax in Germany. …and every other country on the planet.

    Free Member

    To ISAs ????

    No, just the biscuit/cake tax dichotomy,

    Free Member

    …and don’t forget that by being resident in the UK you’re (probably) avoiding paying tax in Germany.

    outofbreath – is this really the best level of argument you can come up with? Because it comes across as childish trolling at best.

    Free Member

    I pay my entire German tax liability and my tax liability to the rest of the world in full each year.
    Like your argument it is completely and utterly worthless.

    Full Member

    I pay my entire German tax liability and my tax liability to the rest of the world in full each year.

    a lesson to us all, I feel I should make more of an effort pay my tax bill in all the countries I never visit, or deal with, every year.

    Free Member

    I have a confession: I went to Germany last year and bought a cake, without checking their VAT arrangements.

    Full Member

    I pay my entire German tax liability and my tax liability to the rest of the world in full each year.
    Like your argument it is completely and utterly worthless.

    Think yourself lucky – a few years ago I got a large bill from the Dutch tax authority for a period of time when I was neither living nor working there 🙁

    Full Member

    I have a confession: I went to Germany last year and bought a cake, without checking their VAT arrangements.

    As long as you did so in order to eat it, and not expressly to avoid biscuit tax you should be in the clear.

    Free Member

    I cycled to work today. When should I expect the tribunal?

    well, by cycling to work you didn’t buy any petrol, and thus didn’t pay any fuel duty, and thus AVOIDED TAX.

    Which makes you pretty much morally equivalent to Rupert Murdoch. Hope this helps 🙂

    Free Member

    I have a confession: I went to Germany last year and bought a cake, without checking their VAT arrangements.

    Under the law of tortes, you may have a liability.

    Free Member

    I pay my entire German tax liability and my tax liability to the rest of the world in full each year.

    Indeed, so you’re not evading any tax.

    You are avoiding it though.

    Free Member

    Under the law of tortes, you may have a liability.


    Free Member

    well, by cycling to work you didn’t buy any petrol, and thus didn’t pay any fuel duty, and thus AVOIDED TAX.

    It’s worse than that: the cycle ride made me hungry, so I bought a cake.

    Free Member

    You are avoiding it though.

    Paying it in full, with no attempt to reduce my liability, is indeed the very definition of avoidance.

    you are so full of excellent points I fear the internet will melt under the glow of your intellect.

    Full Member

    You are avoiding it though.

    Only in your tiny mind!

    Free Member

    I have a vision…David Cameron with his pinky in his mouth going mah ha ha..”listen to those idiots on STW…we make them feel like they’re one of us by encouraging them to avoid a little tax and then they don’t get upset with us when we screw them over big time by making them do their tax returns while we squirrel away loads and avoid it ourselves…what’s even funnier is they’re arguing amonst themselves the silly little plebs…mah ha ha…”

    Full Member

    I have a vision

    It’s not far wrong, though, is it?

    Only he’s not sniggering at STW, he’s coming in his pants laughing at the whole country pretending that they are one of the big boys by eating cakes and not biscuits, meanwhile being shafted senseless by the real big boys.

    Free Member

    big boys

    I think this is a clue to people’s thinking.

    It’s not avoiding tax that gets up people’s noses we all do that, it’s being a “big boy”.

    Full Member

    It’s not avoiding tax that gets up people’s noses we all do that, it’s being a “big boy”.


    You have been brainwashed into imagining that the Lords and Masters are no more immoral than anyone else because hiding millions in the Virgin Islands is just the same as taking out an ISA.

    This is why we can’t have nice things (like an NHS that works).

    Free Member

    I think this is a clue to people’s thinking = I like to make things up that people haven’t said and argue against that rather than discussing any actual points they’ve made.

    Full Member

    ransos – Member

    I cycled to work today. When should I expect the tribunal?

    Did you ride on a C2W bike?

    Free Member

    isn’t that what normally happens grum?

    c’mon Outofbreath, time to stop winding the “little boys” up – its quite a shock to hear the news that rich people don’t like paying tax -its three years since the CMD story last came up and that’s quite a time

    Full Member

    its quite a shock to hear the news that rich people don’t like paying tax

    No, it’s not. It is a bit of a shock to folk who don’t move in your elevated and sophisticated circles to discover quite how successful they have been in not paying taxes, while at the same time insisting that we’re “all in this together” and that it is essential for disabled people to lose their small benefits.

    Free Member

    I think this is a clue to people’s thinking.

    It’s not avoiding tax that gets up people’s noses we all do that, it’s being a “big boy”.

    I think this is a clue to people’s thinking = I like to make things up that people haven’t said and argue against that rather than discussing any actual points they’ve made.

    I concede I was getting dangerously close to the appeal to motive fallacy there.

    Free Member

    so what’s new in the panama revelations Dr? the Cameron issue is not new? his weak attempts to cover things up are – ok give you that – but otherwise? Putin, the Chinese, football’s elite, cellists (dodgy lot) etc, no shit Sherlock….

    Its shocking that one firm had such a monopoly on this – time for the business secretary to question the levels of competition. Sadly he’s about to do a great deal selling a strategic industry to a guy with his own offshore account (apparently)

    odd world we live in…

    Free Member

    Jaffa Cake anyone? Or are they just for the big boys.

    Full Member

    so what’s new in the panama revelations Dr?

    New? I don’t know – as I said, I don’t move in circles where the ways and means and extent of immorality are common knowledge, hence it comes as a shock when it is thrust under the noses of the commoners, who discover that the Masters are not just entertaining themselves with boys-will-be-boys pranks with pig’s heads and burning money in front of beggars, but are siphoning off serious quantities of cash from the general pocket.

    Its shocking that one firm had such a monopoly on this

    Maybe they didn’t. Maybe there are other firms helping to redistribute the wealth upwards. Oh, sorry – I forgot – that doesn’t happen. Silly me.

    Free Member

    are you suggesting that others are at it?

    Free Member

    Jaffa Cake anyone? Or are they just for the big boys.

    Depends if they are cakes or biscuits, I would think.

    Free Member

    ransos 😀

    the best post so far. bravo!

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