It’s really up to manufacturers to set some standards and provide guidance. Buying and using lights is a minefield.
Personally though, I’ve never experienced any problems while driving. If I see anyone with a super bright light, my first thought is, where can I get one?!. Never ever been blinded by them. They’ve never been any more overpowering than the oncoming motor traffic. Usually much less so.
The one place they’re a pain in the arse though, is on unlit tracks. As a pedestrian or a cyclist, if you dip your beam and put it in utterly feeble mode, and someone approaches with 1200 lumens directly in your face, all you can see is blackness… I’ve literally had to stop a few times, not even knowing whether I’m on the edge on in the centre of the track because I couldn’t see anything at all. Little bit different in a car when you have a fair bit of power blasting back at them, even on dipped beam (but perhaps I just haven’t experienced it yet).