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  • Jedi'd
  • futonrivercrossing
    Free Member

    I had a great day with Jedi (AKA Tony Doyle ) yesterday – an intense session totally re-learning (and trying to unlearn) how to ride a mountainbike. This is probably the best upgrade money can buy.

    I’m off to Stanmer now to put my new skills to work and try and get them to be second nature.

    Cheers Tony!

    Free Member

    Welcome to the club ! We all agree it’s the best money you’ll spend on your biking.

    Free Member

    Best upgrade my bike ever got.

    Free Member

    Best upgrade my bike ever got.

    ^ This 🙂

    Free Member

    Yep, me too, was down there earlier this week. Went up to my local park today and cleared a gap jump I’ve been bottling out of since I found it 6 months ago.

    Full Member

    …. it’s not just an upgrade, it’s an investment with fantastic returns!

    Free Member

    I really need to get myself on one of these courses.

    Free Member

    I got similar results from a gear cable change 😉

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    Full Member

    Terrific ins’t it / ain’t he! Been “done” twice, thinking about booking the 3rd time! 😉

    Everytime you go to Hertshore, you see stuff and go “never gonna do that” but eventually, you work up to it!

    Free Member

    2nd session booked. Really looking forward to selling out more skills.. Not happy that im less fit this time round

    Full Member

    ah thanks guys 🙂
    high5 on the gap dave

    Full Member

    I attended his course about 5 months ago – very useful and well worth the price

    Still think back to his tips on every ride, trying to make them instinctive

    Jumps & drops training was helpful but the cornering tips were the most useful

    I’ll be going back for a refresher next year!

    Free Member

    I think I’ll book to go again actually.

    Free Member

    Are people above talking about public days or one-to-one tuition?
    Would I have to pay separately for both my bikes to be taught?

    Free Member

    I’m hoping all the advise will settle in a bit quicker than 5 months ! So I had my first post Jedi ride yesterday – so many things to think about – and so quickly, it feels so good good when it all comes together though 🙂 I also found I had the tools to try a small double in Stanmer (no consequences if you mess it) I didn’t nail it, but I will – day off today, so I’m gonna hit the trails again.

    Free Member

    Would I have to pay separately for both my bikes to be taught?

    Made me laugh out loud at the office 🙂


    Free Member

    boltonjon – Member
    Jumps & drops training was helpful but the cornering tips were the most useful

    Cornering and general trail technique is where it’s really paid off for me. Faster, better flow, more relaxed and efficient riding. Really helped in the alps.

    Jumps and drops, definitely worked for me but I’ve lapsed by not really practising enough. I need to set aside time often to session jumps and drops. When I do that it starts coming together again.

    Full Member

    I’m hoping all the advise will settle in a bit quicker than 5 months !

    I’ll be amazed if it doesn’t take a lot longer – but embrace the continual change!

    Free Member

    Loved my session with Jedi, i learnt to jump again, for some reason I’d either lost confidence of just lost the technique, but a day with Tony and I was flying again. Can’t wait to go back next summer & learn more.

    Free Member

    Don’t set aside time for specifically practising one or two things – integrate them into your ride – otherwise you end up thinking “OMG! It’s been 5 months since I did a jump! I’ll forget everything Jedi taught me!”

    You’d be amazed how many roots, rocks, kerbs, etc you can “jump” off without thinking about it…

    Free Member

    How much do these Jedi days cost?

    Full Member

    1 to 1 is £180 I think.

    Free Member

    The problem with integrating into rides is most the options I get are things I’ve always had hang ups on and riding with a group we go through the trail and want to move on to the next so I often chicken run them and thus don’t practice. I do find excuses not to do them. It’s all mental blocks. Tony has pointed the way and unlocked some of them, I just need to be in the right place when I get to the local ‘features’ that have historically concerned me.

    Oddly if I go to a trail centre I’m far more confident probably because they’re purpose built and I have confidence in the trail not to throw me a surprise or be changed since I last rode it through conditions or digging. Plus trails in Wales or the Alps I find run fast, you follow other fast riders and I just find I go for it without thinking

    Though jumping off or over roots, rocks, kerbs etc I often do naturally now without thinking. It’s the bigger features like jumps and drops where I can’t see the landing and there’s a pile of roots on the lip or landing or it’s a gap, those things get me. More so for some reason when they are on a steep descent. I think I worry about the speed and yet if it’s a flat run up I’m much happier.

    Free Member

    1 to 1 is £210 now?

    I’d love to but can’t afford.

    Free Member

    Would love to give this a go but Herfordshire is too far for me to get to 🙁

    Free Member

    Would love to ride his setup…

    Full Member

    I went in a group of 4 close riding buddies and i think it helped as you could watch your mates doing things right or wrong – then try to nail it myself the next time around

    Its also been helpful on subsequent rides with the same guys – as a group will remember Tony’s tips much better than just you

    I think we paid about £100 each – well worth it

    Be warned – he gets booked up quick so plan far in advance

    Free Member

    It’d be a bit shit if you went on such courses and you were still slower than another rider/stranger on the trails 😆

    We’ve seen a couple of these but no names mentioned 😉

    Full Member

    1 to 1 is £210 now?

    I’d love to but can’t afford.Just think of it like an upgrade to your bike/suspension or a new frame, etc.

    Except this will actually make you faster. 🙂

    Free Member

    Come up to Scotland 😉

    Free Member

    Just think of it like an upgrade to your bike/suspension or a new frame, etc.

    I’ve got a whole load of pointing to pay out for along with a new bathroom.

    Somethings are more important unfortunately.

    The thing is I’m not unhappy with my riding. I think alot of people watch DVD’s of pro’s and gobble up the bike bag-stuff and convince themselves that they need to be better.

    Principally I like riding as it gets me out into the woods/beautiful surroundings. Secondly as it kind of keeps me fit/sane. Anything else is third/a bonus.

    I guess its the other way round for some, each to their own.

    Full Member

    I can understand why you might think that. However, if you ever do get Jedi’d, you’ll see how wrong you were, and probably kick yourself for not doing it sooner.

    Free Member

    Why? I’m happy with my riding. I think people chase ‘what can be’ too much. You should ride to get out there/help you relax. Again, everyone gets that in different ways- I’m tired of ‘can be better’.

    Free Member

    1 to 1 is £210 now?


    Full Member

    hora – Member
    Why? I’m happy with my riding. I think people chase ‘what can be’ too much. You should ride to get out there/help you relax. Again, everyone gets that in different ways- I’m tired of ‘can be better’

    I’m with you Hora…

    Even if i go and get Jedi’d, the trails that some seem to have are not the trails i have around me. Mine are either proper quick ridgeway type fireroad trails, or real gnarly in middle of ferns type stuff.

    There’s not a lot in the way of jumps/berms etc, i can honestly say i’ve found 1 in the last 2 years.

    Full Member

    It’d be a bit shit if you went on such courses and you were still slower than another rider/stranger on the trails

    Sorry, i disagree! It’s not about “absolute speed”, someone will ALWAYS be faster than you, it’s about riding at your own pace, and if after some coaching you feel you are riding smoother, with less effort, and almost certainly with less “risk” then that coaching has been worthwhile. You might never get onto a Strava leaderboard, and you’ll probably never care about that, but you will be riding “better” 😉

    Full Member

    Why? I’m happy with my riding. I think people chase ‘what can be’ too much. You should ride to get out there/help you relax. Again, everyone gets that in different ways- I’m tired of ‘can be better’.

    1 hr ago you said you would love to go, but it was too expensive. I said it was excellent value (definitely the best money I’ve spent re: cycling). Now you’re saying you couldn’t give a shit about going. You’ve won me round. Now I don’t give a shit whether you go or not! 🙂

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Err I said ‘I’d love to but cant afford’. As in I’d love to to see what all the fuss is about/see what its like. I’d also love to go to New York, I never will as it seems a nice place, people rave about it, its in lots of movies but it’ll never happen as I can’t afford but more importantly I can’t be arsed. You can always find money to do something, its the level of inclination needed. I don’t need it that much.

    I’m happy with my riding. What I’m NOT happy with is my fitness level.

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