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  • This topic has 158 replies, 78 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by Mark.
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  • Jade Goody
  • deadlydarcy
    Free Member

    As a quick aside, posters here seem to “get” very quickly who a new user is…a la snigletrack/adamg…how do you work it out? Is it just the style of their posts or something a little more sinister at work?

    FWIW, arguing the point of the OP is nonsense…asking a question can be just as nasty as making a specific point. To put a question like the OP has done is clearly meant to wind people up. Throwing it out there and then claiming it’s an innocent question is clearly bollox.

    Oh, and second the “photocopying business” suggestion. Sounds like a plan indeed.

    Free Member

    Mysterymurdoch, GaryM, etc: Jedi actually mentions that he has met Jade several times, and that he believes her to be a very nice, kind, caring person. That’s real, lived experience, not a judgement based on what someone sees in the papers or on telly, like the rest of us.

    Deadly; AdamG was ‘Snigletrack’ in a previous incarnation, as well as Cooligan, and probbly others. So, not hard to spot! Speshly when he started up with his usual hate-filled crap.

    There’s ‘winding people up’ (not that I ever would, of course), and then there’s being nasty and provocative. As for ‘expressing an opinion’, well, fair enough, but come on, we all know AdamG’s style by now. He just likes to see people get all het up; probbly gives him some sort of power-trip.

    It’s a shame he can’t use such abilities for more positive things, really. Never has a nice thing to say about anything or one. I suspect it’s all more of an act, than how he really is, but why act in a horrible, spiteful, nasty way? Points towards some deep-set frustrations and anger, I’d say.

    Personally, I have no concern with Ms Goody’s ‘career’, but, as a Human Being, I find the fact of her suffering very sad.

    And I think people should be respectful to that. She’s someone’s daughter, someone’s sister, someone’s mother.

    Full Member

    As a quick aside, posters here seem to “get” very quickly who a new user is…a la snigletrack/adamg…how do you work it out? Is it just the style of their posts or something a little more sinister at work?

    Just the style of the posts. A disproportionately vehement rant against an easy target (usually something about “parasites” with no “dignity”), use of the words like “morons”, “wassock”, “boils my piss”, etc, pointless digs at people with singlespeeds, and so on. You could probably make a computer program that could spew them out.

    Free Member

    leftyboy – Member

    My first wife had breast cancer at 24, was sterilised at 25 (too big a risk) and died from secondary liver cancer at 28. 6 Months later I was diagnosed with testicular cancer, had chemo, seven operations and radiotheraphy. I was very lucky and survived.

    That’s harsh mate. 😕

    Free Member

    I take it your school is closed today snigle and they have given you the day off from the infants class.this is someone’s mum you are talking about,i dont think even jade would put them through this if she was not sick.she sick you are just sick in the head.

    Free Member

    Does AdamG/snigletrack still have that pretend printer business with the aboslutely shyte website? I wanted to show someone how to do a fake business website (we do this, but no examples, no client lists, photo of an anonymous building with no business names/logos),so he could run his “business” from his mum and dad’s – but couldn’t remember his name.

    Free Member

    Hi Rich, yes it is but to be fair I’m here 14 years later typing this so for me personally it could be worse 🙂

    Hardest thing is still hearing people with no first hand experience ‘judging’ cancer victims.

    Free Member

    I do not think someone has to have first hand experience to ‘judge’ cancer victims as almost everyone has been through suffering in once way or another and can appreciate the pain, suffering and heartache it brings. Just in the same way any other death or life-threatening illness brings.

    Unfortunately there is a (thankfully tiny) minority that think, somehow, that normal people might think it amusing that someone like Jade Goodey has a terminal disease.

    Like her or not, she is a human being and deserves every bit as much dignity and respect as anyone else put on this earth deserves. Yes she has made mistakes in the past, but she always was put up there only to be shot down.

    Free Member

    I don’t like the way this has been played out in the media, primarily because it leads to ‘some’ people questioning the validity of what they hear.

    It’s a truly awful thing happening to Jade and her family. Absolutely no satisfaction can be drawn from it regardless of her behavior in the past. If the drug works then that’s bloody excellent.

    Full Member

    Just because someone is in the tabloids and Heat magazine, they are no less human than any of us.

    Gloating over a celebrity’s illness shows that, rather than being above celebrity culture as you probably like to believe yourself, you’ve fallen for it more than most.

    What I mean is, by dehumanising Jade and saying you think her cancer is a publicity stunt you’ve bought into the concept that celebs are entertainment and it’s all a harmless game.

    Not sure why I wanted to make that point really, I think about these things deeper than I probably need to.

    Free Member

    It is sad and all, especially for her kids.

    I think everyone will be affected whether indirectly or not by Cancer at some point in their life and it is really taboo to make light of it. At the end of the day she’s still a human being.

    On the other hand, most people who are tragically struck down with this maintain their dignity and don’t sell their story to everyone who’s stupid enough to listen.

    Jade and Max Clifford are the poster ****ts for every muppet in the world who wants to be “famous” for doing nowt but being in the right place at the right time.

    I’m sure it’ll go one of two ways – either she’ll make a remarkable recovery – cue a new book/perfume/Range Rover deal.

    Or she’ll tragically die young, leave two kids without a mother and it’ll be on every rag’s front page for a week and they’ll be an outpouring of greif by idiots in ugg boots

    Free Member


    On the other hand, most people who are tragically struck down with this maintain their dignity and don’t sell their story to everyone who’s stupid enough to listen.

    Maybe she’s just a mother trying to leave a bit of extra money for her kids?

    ….and as for your last 2 sentences – have you ever thought of setting up as a clairvoyant with such remarkable foresight 🙄

    She may not be the brightest or most talented individual (I’m by no means a fan of hers) but she has done a fair amount for charity and I don’t think she has done anything which remotely justifiies some of the comments on here.

    Free Member

    What a fascinating thread!
    I think this debate desperately needs a female view added to the mix.
    I was almost thinking of turning lesbian when I first started reading all this male orientated mumbo jumbo, luckily for me, a few voices of reason saved me from this god fearing plight.
    Looking for information of Jade’s progress online, I unwittingly stumbled on this pit, full of male undesirables. I was worried for my own son’s fate after reading what was still in existance of apparently ‘GROWN MEN’S’ brain-cell count.
    I would like to clarify that from a female viewpoint Jade is in no way being undignified. I have personally been propelled into having a cervical smear test (12 years without having the test), due to the real awareness arising from the publicity given to Jade Goody’s own situation.
    How can it be so bad that a crusade to save your future / present ladies lives comes from no other than Jade herself, all be it unintentionally.
    I, like your respective-selves, am no fan of Jade Goody’s, but then again, I am a fan of nobody. I believe though that she has faced a great deal of adversity in her life, head-on.
    I also believe that she has more intelligence and dignity than a select few on here have in their little toes. She is undoubtedly a very shrewd, clever business woman, with a heart to boot.
    I really do believe in ‘Karma’, so I don’t think I need to say anymore.

    Full Member

    Well said. I stand by my comments, and it was worth the temporary ban.

    Free Member

    Welcome back sc-xc.

    As Ice Queen points out, this place can often descend into macho posturing and nastiness. Whilst I think it’s right that people can feel free to express their opinions, there’s ways and means. This thread has shown how ‘having the right to an opinion’ has been abused, just so that one or two nasty, spiteful individuals can spout their inflammatory filth.

    The good thing is, that most people, who’ve commented on this thread, seem to be decent, ordinary caring folk. I hope people can move on from this, and that some people think very carefully about what they’ve said.

    And maybe one or two people might want to stay away permanently, as they seem to have nothing positive to add to STW.

    Full Member

    Cheers Fred,

    It was the end of a bad day, and Snigletrack pushed me over the edge. I’m all for a bit of banter, but the trolling by a couple on here recently (especially about a person with cancer) got me down!

    Free Member

    Snigletrack, what a tosser! maybe she has made her money out of the media and been a loud mouth, but then she has only done what 90% of people would do and that is exploit a situation she has found herself in and made some money…would you not do the same? There is no difference between the two of you, she has offended people through her misguided ignorance, you’re just ignorant.

    I would like to think that maybe you are young, have no children and have yet to experience the dreadful demise of a friend or loved one through cancer.

    Go away and think about what you have said, come back when you have someting to constructive to say.

    End of rant

    Free Member

    Wow, what a storm in a teacup! Have I been banned? Just got back from a couple of days riding in the Lakes and saw this.

    I’m at a loss as to why anyone would have taken offence to me asking the original question! It’s a perfectly valid subject for debate and I thought I made it quite clear why I was asking the question – namely that the involvment of serial self-publicisers Clifford and Goody made me a little suspicious. Judging by some of the other posts on here, I’m not the only one.

    For what it’s worth, I suspect there’s a bit of a witch hunt going on here, due to the fact that I have a history of making posts that polarise opinion and stimulate quite emotive responses from those who disagree. At the end of the day, this is a ‘discussion forum’, and if people don’t have the requisite brains to enter into a debate like this without hurling expletives at me, they should walk away and discuss farting, erections or sodomy with the other low IQers.

    Stimulating debate IS NOT trolling. Hiding behind an untraceable online persona and insulting people or ganging up in the way some have on here is, however, completely unacceptable. SC-XC obviously still has an axe to grind, probably from being made to look a fool in a previous debate. Might I suggest that rather than using this forum to settle old scores, he grows up a bit and stops polluting the forum and spoiling other debates.

    BigButSlimmerBloke’s comments certainly made me smile. Thank you for your concern about my business. You’ll be pleased to know that my website no longer sports a holding page with a picture of an ‘anonymous building’. We’ve outgrown that ‘anonymous building’ and in November of last year, invested in new premises which are being renovated as we speak.

    Finally, I would like to offer a Jeremy Clarkson-esque full and unreserved apology to all those who were offended by my post. I’m deeply sorry that you’ve got that fence you’re sitting on rammed so far up your posteriors that your every waking minute is made misery by your throbbing heamorroids.


    Free Member

    Photocopying business a bit slow, mate?

    Free Member

    No idea PaddedBrain. I’m a graphic designer. Don’t even own a photocopier.

    How’s the charity design work going? Have you started doing anything that pays yet?

    Free Member

    Sadly, I’m not as clever as you, and have been forced into prostitution, in order to feed my crack habit…

    Wish I was as clever as you, with your shiny new premises…

    Free Member

    Never mind Rudeboy, maybe one day in the next life.


    Free Member

    Late in the day but thought I get my penny’s worth in…

    The whole story seems to be one of contridictions to me: on the one hand this is somebody who’s income has previously been based very much on publicity and ‘celebrity’ and, on the other, the current tragic reasons for that publicity being generated.

    On the one hand I don’t believe the public like being reminded of their own mortality but at the same time people will be encouraged to face this and seek help if they have medical concerns.

    Again, on the one hand, I wish Jade and her family well and understand that the additional publicity can provide financial security for her children but, at the same time, I have no interest in reading about her or other so called celebrities on the front of all the red tops and magazines and I very much dislike the ‘celebrity’ bandwagon which is generated from this media.

    Free Member

    Yeah, never mind.

    Free Member

    As I said earlier, just because a sh1tty view is posted in the form of a question, doesn’t suddenly turn it into a “valid debate”…you’re just arguing over semantics to be honest.

    I’m deeply sorry that you’ve got that fence you’re sitting on rammed so far up your posteriors that your every waking minute is made misery by your throbbing heamorroids.

    Well, I think that judging by the number of posts, most were far from sitting on the fence weren’t they?

    Oh, I do hope you employ a separate copywriter for your evidently successful graphic design business. Or maybe, just stick to the photocopying.

    Full Member

    How long before Padded/dibnah/fred/rudeboy, and AdamG/Snigletrack argue themselves into a permanent banning, do we think?

    Free Member

    Stimulating debate IS NOT trolling.

    “Debate”, my arrse. Only a prize twonk such as yourself could think that.

    Free Member

    if people don’t have the requisite brains to enter into a debate like this without hurling expletives at me, they should walk away and discuss farting, erections or sodomy with the other low IQers.

    Well you are certainly consistent AdamG – no one can argue with that.

    On all your threads you clearly feel this irresistible compulsion to inform everyone just how clever you are.

    I find this desperate need to remind everyone of your superior intelligence on the one hand, highly amusing, but on the other hand tragically sad.

    Is you cock really that tiny ? Or is it a case of your mother constantly telling you that you were useless when you were a child – did you have a cleverer younger brother maybe ? Come on, share with everyone just why you feel so bad about yourself, and why your own low self worth forces you to act like a complete plonker.

    Free Member

    Sorry but skim read most of the dross so excuse me if I missed something.
    Jade Goody has her life good or bad as fodder for the tabloids.Nothing new there but the thing that makes my skin crawl is that snake Max Clifford squeezing every last bit out of her miserable existence to line his own pockets.

    Free Member

    To be fair he did only question the honesty and integrity of the media and “celebrities”, it wouldn’t be the first time a stunt had been pulled. He just says everything very bluntly/harshly.

    Free Member

    Well, I think that judging by the number of posts, most were far from sitting on the fence weren’t they?

    If someone thinks it’s unacceptable to question something simply because the subject is an emotive one, then in my view, they are fence sitters.
    They’d rather stay on the fence than debate the issue.
    A handful of posters have expressed their thoughts one way or another – which is what I asked people to do – but the majority seem to have taken exception to the very fact that I’ve spoken about a subject that they feel is taboo. One in three of us will die of cancer, so I think it’s far from taboo. However, as I’ve said, I think it’s utterly crass that it’s being milked for PR equity.


    Free Member

    Jeez. The woman is dying – have you no sense of decency or shame?

    Free Member

    I suppose that depends how you define ‘decency and shame’ doesn’t it andy. Personally, I’m perfectly comfortable speaking frankly and honestly about my suspicions regarding – in particular – Max Clifford, whereas I wouldn’t be comfortable hawking pictures of myself round the gossip mags and red-top tabloids after a course of chemotherapy.

    But hey, we’re all a bit different, aren’t we.


    Free Member

    I’ve had quite enough of this back and forth bullshit.

    Snigeltrack, you know full well you are provoking people with your comments. And you reporting posts isn’t helping your cause.

    Things that provoke can and should be discussed here, but cancer is a very emotional and sensitive subject for people. I’d be very surprised if there was anyone here who hadn’t had their lives affected by cancer in some way; be that through a friend, relative, or themselves. Therefore you have to handle it in a sensitive way. Don’t start complaining when people react badly to this. Then state that you’re so **** intelligent that you’re above piss and fart jokes. If you were so balanced that you can discuss this openly then you’d be able to do it by not provoking people to this extent. It’s called being sensitive.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I suppose that depends how you define ‘decency and shame’ doesn’t it andy. Personally, I’m perfectly comfortable speaking frankly and honestly about my suspicions regarding – in particular – Max Clifford, whereas I wouldn’t be comfortable hawking pictures of myself round the gossip mags and red-top tabloids after a course of chemotherapy.
    But hey, we’re all a bit different, aren’t we.

    Yep. Thank God we are.

    Your ‘suspicions’ are ignorant, callous, crap. When someone develops secondary cancer like this it’s simply a matter of time – barring a miracle. Using it as an opportunity to try to prove how clever and world-wise you are is simply disgusting.

    Free Member

    Snigletrack; What’s with ending each post with your name when it’s at the top of the post?

    Oh and using a smiley everytime, is that to ensure your sunny state of mind is passed across the ether?

    Full Member

    She makes money being famous, so what. It doesn’t affect my life adversely. The only time I would have due cause to be riled was if it was costing me something. Mr Clifford, though a weasel of the first order, is fulfilling his professional brief as instructed by his client. It has the desired effect as Ice Queen points out above and as such the campaign can be counted a success.
    I hope the poor girl has an easy an exit as possible she is going to miss a lot.

    Full Member

    Snigletrack is now banned indefinitely (As before the reasons are not purely to do with this thread but the decision to ban him is a culmination of many posts and incidents. This thread was the final straw). He can’t view these posts now so lets leave it at that.

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