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  • Is this racist ?
  • CharlieMungus
    Free Member

    Charlie – as some regard this as offensive?

    I think you’ve answered your own question.

    Free Member

    Because the term “Brits” doesn’t have a history of being used as a derogatory term, where as tge examples you cited have long and illustrious histories of being used as terms of insult.

    It’s really quite simple.

    Free Member

    If the answer is logical I will gladly admit my stupidity.

    Because the term “Brits” doesn’t have a history of being used as a derogatory term, where as tge examples you cited have long and illustrious histories of being used as terms of insult.

    It’s really quite simple.

    Waiting for admission.

    Free Member

    Good answer, thanks. There is a point to it. Because how is the latter any different to pretending to be ethnically Chinese and reinforcing those stereotypes for the entertainment of Europeans?

    Sorry, Tom has already given my answer.

    Free Member

    I don’t think the white people of Britain have ever been part of a bullied minority. Hence why Brit is not offensive. Similar to how being called whitey, cracker, white bread or similar doesn’t cause offence. In my opinion of course

    Having lived and worked in an environment where being white was very much being part of a discrimated-against minority I would disagree. I was referred to individually and collective based on race and colour of skin, discrimated against, made fun of etc*. As much as it suits our collective angst (or need for it), white people do not have a monopoly on being racist and racism itself is not asymmetric issue.. Racism is racism. Full stop.

    * despite this both places were brilliant experiences and wouldn’t swap them.

    Free Member

    Having lived and worked in an environment where being white was very much being part of a discrimated-against minority I would disagree

    Where was this?

    I agree, racism is racism.

    However, we seem to get fewer threads asking ‘is this racist?’ refering to examples where a member of the white majority of the UK,even in areas where they are a minority, are wondering if they have been subject to racism. Also fewer threads from people from a minority race, wondering if they have been inadvertently racist to someone in the white majority.

    But yes, of course, racism is racism. It’s usually quite easy to spot, even if it is veiled, deliberately or not. Unless of course, you happen to be a mod 😉

    Free Member

    I don’t think the white people of Britain have ever been part of a bullied minority.

    Except for the porridge gobblers and sweaty socks?

    See also: Welsh and Irish

    Full Member

    Perhaps I worded it badly (not slept). I and most people I know who are white and from England have never suffered racial abuse. Not that it doesn’t happen, but I think it’s not as prevalent. Unless they had offensive white caractures in Chinese cinema in the past that I missed?

    Free Member

    I (white) got racially abused by drunken and roudy aboriginal men in Australia. That wasn’t much fun, but mainly as I was expecting to be stabbed whilst buying petrol.

    Incidentally, Pakistani friends use the word **** openly. “Sorry, you can’t come, it’s a **** party” The real unsaid meaning of this was “And you’re a dick” but still. That doesn’t mean that I’d use the word as I grew up hearing it used daily as an insult to my friends.

    If there’s one thing I hate more than racism, it’s Abos.

    Full Member

    You do realise what happened to the aboriginal peoples of Australia right? What is still happening to some degree to this day? Not saying their behaviour was justified, but there is s lot of anger there that still needs to be resolved.

    Free Member

    Yes I do, I didn’t feel marginalised by the abuse. I know that ‘they’ have been taken advantage of and stolen from and thus didn’t feel ‘abused’ as such, though I did feel in danger of a jolly good stabbing deep in the Outback.

    As you travel the 2500Km dirt road from Perth to Alice you’ll pass signs saying ‘No Whites’ as you pass various districts. Eyeopening, though not unexpected.

    Everyone should see that side of Oz.

    Free Member

    I saw “that side” of Australia when I was living there.
    I saw Aboriginal people being refused service in pubs and restaurants.
    I saw white people literally spitting at aboriginals in the street.
    I saw the Australian government concoct a bogus child abuse scare in Aboriginal communities to continue the age old tradition of stealing children from those same communities.
    I saw the systematic removal of state health and education services from rural Aboriginal communities.
    I saw a culture that sells “aboriginal” art at every truck-stop, but which desecrates sacred aboriginal sites over and over again.
    I saw Aboriginal people engaged in crime and anti-social behaviour, some of which aimed at me.
    I saw Aboriginal people drunk at 11am regularly.
    I also saw white people drunk at that time and also engaging in crime and anti-social behaviour, some of which aimed at me.
    I managed not to hate either group, as most of these problems are created by only a small section of either community, it’s just that the problems created by people in positions of power seem to have an impact in creating the sort of bad feeling, poverty and desperation that are fertile breeding grounds for the sorts of problems created by those who have no power, be they Aboriginal, white or otherwise.

    Full Member

    Need like button or clapping emoji. What’s been done to the aboriginal people is utterly atrocious.

    Free Member

    Replace aboriginal with irish in your post. Would you still feel the same way?

    Free Member

    Replace aboriginal with irish in your post. Would you still feel the same way?

    Absolutely, why wouldn’t I?

    Full Member

    ^^same here.

    Full Member

    I know that ‘they’ have been taken advantage of and stolen from

    I think state sponsored systematic genocide would be closer to the truth than “stolen from”

    Free Member

    Yeah, but they threatened me with a firm stabbing, so give me the benefit of the doubt, eh?

    Free Member

    so give me the benefit of the doubt, eh?

    Give you the benefit of the doubt for what?

    Free Member

    What anagallis posted above . They didn’t stab me and I don’t hate aboriginal people.

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