Your card holds your details in 3 ways
1. on the chip
2. on the magnetic strip
3. stamped on the front
The security on the chip could only be copied by NSA levels of decryption. Its secure. That’s why the preferred method of transactions by the bank is Chip & Pin
The strip doesn’t hold much more detail than what’s stamped on the front of your card. I can’t recall but it may have address details to help with verification. But in the end its not much more different from what’s printed on the front.
Fraud usually happens by crims getting the card no. & expiry date and creating a card and using it in a country where they don’t use chip and pin transactions.
But not to worry if your card is copied, Visa, MaterCard and AMEX are obliged under credit card rules to refund you. If they didn’t the market would lose faith in the whole thing and we’d be back to cash.
Basically, the only thing the consumer has to worry about is if there are fraudulent transactions that you don’t spot and therefore don’t tell your bank about. Otherwise, it’s the credit card companies problem.
..amazing what random info you pick up in your life, isn’t it