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  • iPhone 5, iPad Mini (7") release dates
  • Cougar
    Full Member

    Apologies for the source but,

    iPhone 5 and iPad Mini ‘will debut with a classic Apple unveiling on September 12th and be in the shops nine days later’

    You’re welcome.

    Full Member

    so where do I place my order?

    Full Member

    To save DD doing it: “will they have flash on them?” 😉

    Full Member

    so where do I place my order?


    Full Member

    will they have flash on them?

    Only if “flash” is a euphemism for “semen.”


    Full Member

    Full Member

    From the mail website

    Early prototype designs that never quite made it out of the lab

    No, they’re pictures of cheap rip offs. And the pic of the alleged iPhone 5 case… That would give a weird aspect ratio – very long and thin. So… Typical mail spouting rubbish.

    Free Member

    And the pic of the alleged iPhone 5 case… That would give a weird aspect ratio – very long and thin. So… Typical mail spouting rubbish.

    The longer screen is actually one of the generally accepted rumours for the next iPhone – I’m with you that it seems a little odd, but of all the rumours, that one has quite a lot of ‘evidence’ behind it. I think it allows a larger screen, ‘proper’ 16:9 viewing, and also means current apps won’t have to be re-resolutioned (….) as the screen will still have the same number of pixels per inch, but just more of them (if that makes sense?! :S).

    But who knows really, we shall see whenever it is launched!

    Full Member

    The longer screen is actually one of the generally accepted rumours for the next iPhone

    Really hope not. Can’t see the point myself (other than pointless Spec war).
    16:9 screens are just not nice to use in portrait format.

    Free Member

    Can’t see the point myself. 16:9 screens are just not nice to use in portrait format.

    Video content is the future.

    Full Member

    Video content is the future.

    Personally I’d rather have letterboxed video and keep a usable portrait orientation.

    Video isn’t my majority usage. I spend a lot more times using apps, playing games or just surfing.

    Free Member

    the “prototypes” are chinese knockoffs and the video at the bottom was on wired about a fortnight ago

    Speculation is one thing and it wouldn’t surprise me if Apple were releasing fake information to hype up their product regardless of the whole “hush hush” nature of their yearly expo things they do

    Either way I’m still on the fence till the 5 is announced, i’m due an upgrade, but it’ll have to wow me because so far it’s looking to be the HTC all the way

    Full Member

    Personally I’d rather have letterboxed video and keep a usable portrait orientation.

    +1, I checked out the Galaxy S3 quickly at the weekend, and thought what a lovely screen but the phone is far too big to stick in my trousers pocket

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Seeing as my iP4 contract is up on 1st Aug it’s likely I’ll go with a 90 day deal in time for upgrade – it the phone is justifiably more revolution than evolution.

    Full Member

    Why would you go for any deal at all? I’ve been out of contract since march waiting for the new iPhone.

    Full Member

    To save money? My iPhone 4 has been on an £11.50 simplicity contract since January whilst I wait to see what the 5 has to offer

    Free Member

    I thought Apple of all people would appreciate 16:10 over 16:9, but there you go. 🙁

    Full Member

    To save money? My iPhone 4 has been on an £11.50 simplicity contract since January whilst I wait to see what the 5 has to offer

    I’m on a £26 Simplicity which gives me unlimited calls and texts, plus 1Gb data, and I’ll be buying an iP5 outright, possibly selling my iP4 to help subsidise the cost. The old phone’s in perfect, unmarked condition, and a 32Gb model, so should get a reasonable price.

    Full Member

    Why would you go for any deal at all? I’ve been out of contract since march waiting for the new iPhone.

    And not using your phone?

    Full Member

    Spam reported.

    Maybe we should start a blacklist of these companies, then we know where never to shop.

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