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  • Internet Explorer Fubared
  • pistonbroke
    Free Member

    Have a desktop PC which has been working ok until today, every time I click on Internet Explorer the dreaded “Windows has encountered a problem and needs to close” pops up. Any clues what could have happened and how to solve same? Words of 1 syllable please.

    Free Member

    To much porn.

    Your Harddrive has gone soft, go to and download the latest drivers at once.

    Free Member

    hit with rock

    Free Member

    download firefox, and bin internet exploder.

    Free Member

    Exactly the same for me, so I have just went to Firefox and it’s been smooth all day.

    Free Member

    Any clues how I can download anything when the IE is the only way a I can get onto the web on that computer. Can you download it on another and transfer via memory stick or suchlike? Dont think porn is to blame unless other hands have been busy on the thing.

    Full Member

    “Can you download it on another and transfer via memory stick or suchlike?” yes

    Free Member

    or ftp, try: run command ‘cmd’

    then in the pop up type:


    ftp> open
    < blah blah>
    Name> ftp
    Password> ftp
    ftp> bin
    ftp> get “/pub/ Setup 3.0.5.exe”

    Then run the binary once its on your machine

    Free Member

    Scardypants: Thanks but how? I’m using one ofthe kids’ laptops atm which has got Firefox on it but cannot see howto save to a disc drive, is it do-able?
    Richc:Also thanks but your reply was not exactly what I meant by words of 1 syllable i.e making the assumption I am a 49 year old numptie who only recently worked out why there are 3 buttons on a mouse. Instructions starting with”turn the PC on” is about my level.

    Free Member

    pb, those instructions should pretty much work exactly as they are written, click on the start button then in one of the panes on the start menu, you will see the option ‘run command’ then follow/cut and paste those instructions (missing off the ‘ftp>’ in the later bits

    other than that, on the other PC, if you hold down the right mouse button you will get the ‘Save As’ option which lets you save it whereever you want.

    Free Member

    Thanks very much Rich I followed the instructions to the letter, comma, hyphen etc but when I got to the last instruction which I typed in verbatim 3 times, I kept getting invalid command. Any clues? Obviously I didnt type ftp> after the prompt.

    Free Member

    OK, at the ftp> prompt type ‘mget’ it then should prompt for remote files, and then put in “/pub/*”

    without the quotes.

    btw you can get around having to type everything by highlighting the text, (put the cursor at the start of the block, and hold down the left button and drag to the end of the text you want to select, then click the right button and select ‘copy’ from the menu. Then in your command menu popup, right click on the top bar and select edit->paste

    nB: I am going home in a moment so If I go quiet thats why

    Full Member

    pb – if FF is on that pc, the installer has prob been there too (“firefox setup” is filename)

    if not, go to & download again
    copy onto pendrive & move to other pc

    Free Member

    Thanks to all, managed to get FF onto desktop now, working fine. Just shows the shallowness of my computing ability, bit like driving a car without knowing where the oil goes and what it is used for or even how to open the bonnet.

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