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  • Innerleithen Enduro, who's going
  • richmtb
    Full Member

    So according to the SiEntries website the enduro this weekend is nearly fully booked.

    So who is going, who am I competing with for last place 😉

    Full Member

    You’ll be competing for last place against me! Travelling up on Saturday from Yorkshire with a few mates.

    Free Member

    Aye! Looking forward to this!

    Free Member

    I’m in, going for a wee snoop up the hill this afternoon to see what I can see.

    Looking forward to it.

    Free Member

    i’ll be there. No idea what to expect, should be good fun though. For me I think it will be more about the taking part than the competing!

    Full Member

    I’m in, going for a wee snoop up the hill this afternoon to see what I can see.

    Looking forward to it.

    I was there on Sunday. I noticed what looked like some new singletrack just off to the left near post 6, might be one of the stages

    Free Member

    I’ll be there inc pre-riding on Saturday.

    Free Member

    I’m there. I have been told that one of the stages is a completely new cut track, so that could be the one seen?

    I like the ‘relaxed’ overall time period, no rush to get up the hill between stages like a normal enduro, I can have a brew at the bottom between each stage 😀

    Full Member

    Going by my usual race performance last place will be mine 😀

    Free Member

    I’m up for it and will be working hard on coming last too 😮

    should be a good and pretty chiiled out event.

    Free Member

    Aye, I was up there on Sat too and noticed that one. Also noticed the one at the rock step ups on the climb which also looked fresh. Will keep my eyes open for any other stuff today.

    Free Member

    I’m in. No idea at all what to expect. What bike are people taking, out of curiosity? Any more hardtailists?

    Full Member

    I’ll be on me Prophet.

    Free Member

    I’ll be there too on a bright orange Wolf Ridge. Say hello.

    Free Member

    I seem to have entered on Saturday night whilst drunk. Mmm not very auspicious start. Ah well…green Fuel EX9…probably with a surly expression at all times…it’s only on the surface though. I’ll be smiling on the inside really…

    Full Member

    Me, going quite slowly on a black and white Hemlock most likely. Sould be down on saturday as well to see what devilment they’ve planned for us.

    Free Member

    Marin Wolfridge here, had a spin round this afternoon, conditions are excellent just now so fingers crossed we don’t get any more heavy frosts!

    Free Member

    Orange 5 is my weapon of choice 😀

    Free Member

    Inners MTB racing facebook page

    I sensibly entered and then looked at the course profiles. I’m now more scared about the amount of climing than the race sections… eek.

    5″ trail thrasher for me.

    Full Member

    I’ve been wondering about sticking dh tyres on… Looking at the amount of height change I think I’ll stick to normal ones :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Yip, I was wondering about dual plys but now having seen how much climbing there is they are out! Given all the talk about loamy conditions I think Swamp Things may be the order of the day…

    Free Member

    Hardtail with SIDs and 2.1 tyres. I may make the concession of dropping the saddle a little.

    Singletrack below post 6 was created for the national XC champs in 2009. The singletrack above post 6 was the old red before it was re-routed to avoid the downhills.

    Full Member

    I’m doing it but sort of confused as to what it is tbh. Are all the timed stages DH, and you just need to get up the hill to start them by a certain time (as per the profiles)? Cos I’ll take me gemini if that’s the case, it’s a pig bike but I can soft pedal it uphill no problem.
    Or are the stages a mix of climbing and DH? In which case it’ll be the rush.

    Find out on Sat either way I guess.

    Free Member

    Only DH is timed.

    You can start a stage any time after 0830, and you must finish the final stage by 1530.

    Full explanation and schedule: http://www.innerleithenmtbracing.com/2010/11/enduro-race-series-round-1-30th-january.html

    Full Member

    That facebook page is quite interesting,

    I’ll be there on my black BLT

    Free Member

    weather forecast is looking good, fingers crossed 🙂

    Free Member

    so 22m racing time (benchmark) and presumably 900m climbing (…easily done in say 2 hrs max).

    Looking good…I’ll be on a Purple Heckler, please heckle me.

    Free Member

    Myself and Rick will be there on Cube Stereo Race’s……

    We can’t make it up till late Sat though (21:30) because our shop is open till 6pm 🙁

    Anyone taking a camera for some footage on Saturday? And if you do, and upload it, post it on the thread so we can preview the trails please 🙂
    Be nice to see the trails before blatting down at warp speed…..

    See you all Sunday!!


    Full Member

    Was just down at innerleithen today and disappointingly didn’t see anything taped or marked up that we could use to get a completely unfair pre-ride :mrgreen:

    trackmaxi, if I can make the time to ride it on saturday I’ll be running the camera, so I might be able to get it uploaded in time (I video everything, I’m an addict). See what I can do

    Free Member

    i’ll be there with the yorkshire crew, not sure what i’m riding yet but looking forward to the crack

    Free Member

    Shadow: Yorkshire crew from Rippon way? My mate at Moonglu said a few guys were making the trip up!

    Northwind: That would be amazing!!! Even if it’s just to see any sections that could catch us out….. it’s been a long time since I rode up in them thar hills…..

    Free Member

    Can someone summarise it for me:
    Is it ride out from carpark to the very top of the hill and then have mostly downhill being timed in a few spots


    Is it ride up a bit and ride down a timed section, then ride up a bit more and be timed then ride up a bit more and ride down and be timed…….

    Free Member

    GKW, its ride up a lot, down a bit, up a bit, down a lot, up a lot and down a lot again. Where only the down bits are timed.

    Innerleithen MTB racing site a has a course profile for the whole event and its going to be around 900 m of climb/descent in total. Sounds like all the timed stages will start at Plora Rig which is the start of all the normal DH tracks – quite far away from Minch Moor where the descent of the XC trail starts.

    Full Member

    Here’s the profile: Jemima is spot on!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    trackmaxi – Member
    Shadow: Yorkshire crew from Rippon way? My mate at Moonglu said a few guys were making the trip up!

    Yeah from Harrogate and Leeds way, who do know from moonglu ?

    Free Member

    Shadow, I know Neil and Mike. Neil helped me a lot when I was setting up our shop! And I’ve known Mike forever…

    Any feedback on the course guys?? We are stuck in the shop…. 🙁

    Free Member

    Did a recce yesterday,first time on MTB since November. Three words: Hard as ****. Loads of steep, techy bits(stage 2 esp), fair bit of mud in places but this was crisping up asit got cooler. Stage 3 is just a mixture of some of the older DH tracks – Gold and Cresta Runs etc.

    Gonna a goody I think. Incidently I took a brand new Countour helmet cam to show some pals the course layout, but the videos arE unwatchable, quality is poor, jumping and jerking all over the shop. When i went to upload to Youtube it estimated 340 mins upload time. So I didnae bother…

    Good luck to all that enter, see you down there…

    Full Member

    I did a spin of the stages this avo. Stage 1 is very pedaly, no steep bits or difficult features – easy to ride but probably hard to ride fast.

    Stage 2 takes in the black bit of plora craig on the XC route. It then hits a steep and loamy bit through the trees – I came off here and found it the toughest part of the course.

    Stage 3 was the best I thought, seemed to be made up of the various DH tracks like MussEd says. Tough for a XC rider like me but hardly overwhelming, reckon most folk will be comfortable with it.

    Overall great – the event makes sense to me now. I’d thought it sounded like push-up DH x3, but the stages are a lot different to that.

    Free Member

    Managed round fine on a race hardtail, only the luge section stage 2 is a bit iffy due to brake pump on 160/140 rotors.

    Cracking fun, really like the format.

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