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  • Importing from the USA/Canada
  • groundskeeperwilly
    Free Member

    I am looking into getting a frame sent over and was just wondering what the likely costs are when I recieve it in the UK?

    Also any differences between importing from Canada opposed to USA?

    How long should you expect to wait as-well taking into account travel, customs etc?

    Any advice appreciated!!!



    Free Member

    Could I jump in and also ask if anyone has got any Canadian bike shops or websites they’d recommend?

    Free Member

    It all depends on the country of origin.

    Transport and brokerage depends on who is doing the shipping.

    Taxes are standard (whatever you normally get charged, 17% isn’t it?), duties depend on where the frame originates (where it’s built, not where it’s shipped from). More for Taiwan, less for North America.

    Free Member

    I read teh other day that teh tax rules changed in the summer but no one wanted to shout about it. Probably not relevant as it’s a frame but I think it was something like you now only pay import duty, not VAT, on items less than £108 (or some random value like that).

    Otherwise it’s VAT @ 15% + import duty @ ? . Unless it’s second hand then I don’t think you pay VAT.

    USA or Canada should be the same as it is Uk that makes the charges.

    I think you should be able to get the vendor to take off any local taxes as it is being exported, in the same way tourists over here can reclaim VAT paid on more expensive items.

    That’s my understanding, I’m sure I’ll be corrected soon by someone more knowledgeable if I’m wrong 🙂

    Free Member

    Maybe not the best time as the exchange rate is not very good at the moment and I dont think there is much prospect of improvement in the short term. Speed depends on the shipper as do charges of course, parcelforce are quite expensive at this end, worth shopping around.

    Free Member

    I bought a Vio POV-1 helmet camera from the USA in June last year £315 inc P&P.

    Then got hit with about £90 import tax. Still cheaper than buying it here though!

    I’ve heard that if it’s sent as a gift you can avoid the import tax!? Not quite sure how that works though.

    Free Member

    snowslave, the online shop thing isn’t that big in canada, many shops will have a website but its more for information than for selling, most people if ordering online will use the US shops or even chainreaction.

    Free Member

    Thanks rs, hence the question really. I’ve not managed to find anything really, but conscious the exchange rate is holding up better v the Canadian dollar than American.

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