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  • iDaves Diet Plan Members…
  • spacemonkey
    Full Member

    For anyone who thinks lentils are dull (or should that be "dal"? :D), try boiling/simmering them in chicken stock or similar. It can really bring the flavour alive. We had some last night with fish and they rock.

    Just polished off an omelette this morning; with courgette, mushrooms, tomatoes, parma ham and fresh sage/marjoram. Nom noms.

    Keep up the good work everyone.

    And thanks again to iDave for his efforts (and frank talking at times).

    Free Member

    However, I am not on a Diet. Furthermore, I'm not interested in being on a diet

    The idea of being on or off a diet is a misunderstanding, we all have a diet – it's a list of what we've eaten !

    I think the best way to eat healthily is to think about what you eat rather than just consuming food.
    This thread seems to have started some people down that route and they can only benefit from it.
    Some may just want a quickfix weight loss strategy and others may just want to snipe and snigger from the sidelines, however whatever your motives thinking about, and planning, what you eat is on of the most empowering things you can do regarding your own health and wellbeing 😀

    Free Member

    what you eat is on of the most empowering things you can do regarding your own health and wellbeing

    It's a tricky area though, isn't there a risk of such focus on one aspect of life can lead to eating disorders though? The phrase it empowered me seems so often given by suffers of anorexia or similar disorders.
    I don't in anyway wish to imply that what you eat isn't important though!

    Free Member


    Those Lentils sound like they're worth a try, nice one 😉

    I couldn't have put it better myself, Excellent 😀


    Free Member

    It's a tricky area though, isn't there a risk of such focus on one aspect of life can lead to eating disorders though?

    Point taken, but I meant 'empowering' more in the 'see through the diet book hype/advertisers BS' sense….

    Free Member

    The modern, media fuelled, concept of dieting

    Dieting has been around since Victorian times, it's hardly modern. It was really big in the 40s and 50s.

    It's a tricky area though, isn't there a risk of such focus on one aspect of life can lead to eating disorders though?

    Seems to me that if you are at risk of an eating disorder then you have some underlying problems, and focusing on food is just one way that those problems can manifest themselves. Focusing on food doesn't GIVE you mental issues 🙂

    Re lentils – they are lovely, but only as part of something else or a vehicle for flavour. Don't think you have to plough through a bowlful of plain lentils 🙂 One of my faves is tomato and lentil soup.. oops! 🙂

    Re the diet though, just to set the record straight I do think it's pretty good and will work well – but I don't think it's something I personally want to do.

    Full Member

    Those Lentils sound like they're worth a try, nice one

    Don't think you have to plough through a bowlful of plain lentils

    Homemade lentil and smoked bacon soup is the nuts. Cook lentils according to instructions (in chicken stock, seasoning and a little garlic) > blend to thick soup consistency > add smokey bacon lardons.

    Free Member

    Been out riding on my bike last night at a bmx race track for about 4 hours straight, and felt great, it hit home a little bit seeing a mate eating a burger and chips but 5 mins later i felt pretty good with not having it and sticking to some nuts 😀

    anyway day 3 beings and i have sent out at least another 20 emails! LURKERS! haha.

    also i know idave said dont do a daily weigh in but fyi, today is the first time i've hit into 11stone area in years all be it 11stone13lb 😀 and it will probably fluctuate a bit first but its still in the right direction so very pleased 🙂

    I think my lowish 11stone target is easily doable in 3 weeks

    Free Member

    ^ woody – well said mate

    spacemonkey – legend!

    Free Member

    what you eat is on of the most empowering things you can do regarding your own health and wellbeing

    I seriously doubt that. If you want your body to be healthy, use it! I think sedentary inactivity is much more of a threat to health, and for that matter, if you're active you can pretty much eat what you like. I suspect it doesn't matter so much what you eat (so long as it isnt too much) as the context of eating, with snatched solo meals being the worst and relaxed and shared being the best

    Full Member

    Only day two for me, I'm struggling a bit through lack of organisation.

    Just had my lunch for the day at 10:30 as I was starving having missed breakfast and forgotten to take any snacks like nuts or carrots with me to work.

    Might need a soup later on to keep me going until dinner time

    Free Member

    get urself a chicken salad – none of that rich dressing tho

    Free Member

    Lentil and bacon soup sounds delicious. I'll put it on the list.

    Free Member

    I think Barnes may have a point. As long as you don't binge on junk, my money would be on exercise as having the most benefit.

    Free Member

    wtf are you guys choosing to miss the point?! were not saying, fruit is bad or dairy is bad or anything is bad other than the obvious processed junk.. but what people who are ACTUALLY trying this is seeing what its like. I get wound up by people with textbook opinions on things when they have no first hand experience.

    I think you void all rights of an opinion on this subject unless you follow it with an open mind and see how people do.

    Its interesting, I think barnes should remove himself to somewhere wanted or grow up or even MTFU and give it a try rather than trying to jade everything.

    Free Member

    Ok, I think I'm in for the next three weeks starting tomorrow.
    It will be bread and pasta that I'll struggle with I reckon.

    AND tomatoes…! Are tom's out? I know they're a fruit but a couple of people have mentioned eating them? Loads of sauces I make are tomato based (as are my curries :?)

    Free Member

    all fruit is out, feel free to bend the plan and see what affects it has on you but id suggest trying 1 week without first

    Free Member

    What day does everyone take the cyanide?

    Free Member

    Its alright dave I've already snuck it in your tea of 2 carrots and a yoghurt haha 😀

    pump track tonight? johns coming up

    Free Member

    Have you not heard, Im doing the DDC. Therefore I probably wont be eating any tea at all!!


    Think I've got band practice tonight

    Free Member

    I did hear you told me yesterday 😀 good effort sucking them in tho

    Free Member

    I think barnes should remove himself to somewhere wanted or grow up or even MTFU

    I love the idea that I need to grow up and become uncritically credulous :o)

    Free Member

    Alexxx.. me and barnes are discussing diet v exercise. Not iDave's plan.

    I'm seeing if I can lose weight the traditional way as a gesture towards being a control, and Barnes is just interested in how it all pans out.

    No points to miss.

    Free Member

    can someone send me the plan please?

    Free Member

    AND tomatoes…! Are tom's out?

    I'm certainly not going to tell you that Toms are out.

    But the suggestion was that fruit would not be eaten, in order to achieve the results we're expecting.
    But as Alexxx writes, Sup to you mate.

    Dieting has been around since Victorian times, it's hardly modern. It was really big in the 40s and 50s

    What is Dieting ?…I've no idea what that is. I know what other people think it is. But I don't get it.

    So, I go swimming, I swim for a bit, then I stop and leave the river.
    I've been swimming. I was in the river, moving my arms and legs around in a swimming stylee. Then I stop and go home.

    My Diet ?, I've been eating since day one, and will hopefully continue to do so until it all stops for me.
    Everything I've ever eaten would have been part of my diet.
    Its not dieting though.

    Modern ?….I would say that ever since man first established a link between what he ate and the results he saw in is body, man has pondered what he should eat, for many different reasons, especially medicinal.

    Well, reading some of todays posts, it seems to me that one little-ole thread in some distant corner of the STW mad-house, isn't going to alter some people's en-grained preconceptions on the subject of food.
    What we eat, why we eat it and how we eat it.

    Nor what role exercise does, or should play in our lives.

    You've done a good job on me for that lentil and bacon soup.
    By the sounds of it, I have given that one a go, even without embarking on this little exercise.



    Free Member

    I just made the nicest meal yet! bit of a mash up but it tasted awesome and I think after making it I kinda realised actually this 3 weeks is more about finding healthy meal options that I'd cook weekly and happily.

    chunky chicken breast
    asparagus, mushroom, red onion, chick peas, red lentils, chorizo, chilli, black pepper, garlic

    all fried slowly, really flavoursome and juicy 😀 very happy I made 2 portions 😀

    Free Member

    But the suggestion was that fruit would not be eaten, in order to achieve the results we're expecting.

    since most fruit (apart from bananas) is low calorie and nutritious, as well as being inescapably natural and unprocessed, one can only suppose any prohibition is based on some theoretical knock on effect, or pure evil 🙁

    Free Member

    I'm knocking together a plan minus the tomatoes for now, see how I get on. 🙂

    A good easy recipe is; onions & garlic fried off in olive oil add chickpeas, sherry vinager and chicken stock, cook for a bit add a massive bag of spinach and let it wilt mmmm

    I think that would be pretty good for the meat eaters if you added some chicken as well.

    I'm going to make some tom yam soup for a tasty lunch tomorrow

    Free Member

    Alexxx.. me and barnes are discussing diet v exercise. Not iDave's plan.

    Well….maybe start a thread about that then rather than squatting in this one?

    Free Member

    well said.

    C – that sounds very nice indeed! I'll try it today 😀
    you sound like you'll have some other good recipes up your sleeve! care to share :D?

    Free Member

    I kinda realised actually this 3 weeks is more about finding healthy meal options that I'd cook weekly and happily [EDIT]: indefinately [/EDIT].

    Absolutely mate, same for me too 😀

    When did I ever post that Fruit is Evil ?
    See this 🙁
    Thats the effect you're starting to have on me.

    since most fruit (apart from bananas) is low calorie and nutritious, as well as being inescapably natural and unprocessed, one can only suppose any prohibition is based on some theoretical knock on effect, or pure evil

    This is for SFB: Well, reading some of todays posts, it seems to me that one little-ole thread in some distant corner of the STW mad-house, isn't going to alter some people's en-grained preconceptions on the subject of food.
    What we eat, why we eat it and how we eat it.

    Unprocessed ?, are you kinding !.

    Nobody is stopping anyone eating fruit. Its merely a suggestion, based on a bit of info we're sharing and using.
    Your comments seem to emerge from a certain opinion.
    I thank the honourable forum member SFB, for his concern that I shall be without Fruit for a few weeks. But please, don't worry, I can look after myself.



    Free Member

    Getting back on track. Can this thing be achieved by someone who more heats things up as opposed to cooks?

    Free Member

    Can someone please sens me this plan please.



    Free Member

    for his concern that I shall be without Fruit for a few weeks

    I've picked on that because it seems so nonsensical as to throw the whole project into question

    some people's en-grained preconceptions on the subject of food.
    What we eat, why we eat it and how we eat it.

    I eat tasty things. I eat them instinctively because they're yummy. I eat with my mouth*. Widely held preconceptions I think 🙂

    *I've read that nasal application is possible but havn't tried it yet

    Free Member

    since most fruit (apart from bananas) is low calorie and nutritious

    this isn't about low calorie eating – but of course you know that already…

    Free Member

    I would say that ever since man first established a link between what he ate and the results he saw in is body, man has pondered what he should eat

    Quite right. And that was about the mid 19th century 🙂 I said dieting has been around for a while meaning eating a restricted diet in order to lose weight – the common use of the word as a verb.

    Re fruit – I believe Dave's diet (the subject here) cuts out fruit including tomatoes. That's why people are talking about cutting out fruit.

    I eat tasty things. I eat them instinctively because they're yummy. I eat with my mouth

    That's what makes some people fat, Barnes! You are lucky if it doesn't.

    Free Member

    I've read that nasal application is possible but havn't tried it yet

    Thats allright. Get yourself admitted to hospital, with the correct requirement, and you'll get your chance.

    Still waiting for you to answer my Q about when I've stated fruit is evil ?.

    I expect I'll be waiting a long time…..But then again, thats not your point is it.

    I thought you were meant to be studying us. Don't your contributions effect your study….you could always try just reading and not typing.


    Free Member

    Re fruit – I believe Dave's diet (the subject here) cuts out fruit including tomatoes. That's why people are talking about cutting out fruit.

    Sorry MolGrips, I didn't think fruit was cut-out, just restricted.

    That's what makes some people fat, Barnes! You are lucky if it doesn't.


    Free Member

    Hehe Solo's the lancelot of this thread, I cant even be bothered anymore, I'll let the results and tasty recipes speak for themselves.

    I just counted 56 people asked me for the guide 🙂

    Free Member

    Still waiting for you to answer my Q about when I've stated fruit is evil ?

    it was old iDave that said that fruit was verboten, and this has been susequently reiterated by several others. It was I that suggested this might be because fruit was evil, but that perhaps scurvy and the loss of teeth were a high price to pay

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