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  • I really don't understand 'Red Bull'
  • Duffer
    Free Member

    They spend millions on marketing, sponsoring everything from motor racing teams, to golf players, extreme sports events and a stratospheric skydiver. They even pay for Aviation events. Aviation! Where energy drinks are illegal!

    Yet the only product they have to sell is an awful, sugar-and-caffeine infused piss in a can, most commonly mixed with vodka by teenagers.

    I just don’t get it.

    Free Member

    Red Bull is the highest selling energy drink in the world, with 5.387 billion cans sold in 2013

    Free Member

    Red Bull don’t pay for all of that stuff. They are masters of Marketing, promotion and fund raising…

    Free Member

    Revenue €4.253 billion
    Operating income €1.3 billion
    Net income €650 million

    Both the founders have a net worth of $5.3billion

    Full Member

    Red Bull



    Free Member

    Have you tasted it? It’s absolutely disgusting. All I can say is that those teenagers must have a very different idea of what tastes good – maybe because they were brought up on Cola and other sugar-laden gloop.

    The story of Red Bull is interesting though: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_bull read the paragraph on the history and marvel at how rich you can become by selling garbage.

    Free Member

    Alcohol companies do the same and some would say its worse than redbull.

    History would show you:

    Free Member

    I just don’t get it


    Free Member

    Their purpose is to make money, all the arms of the business cross pollenate with all the others. Events that appear to be free have lots of income generating advertising so they should in theory be profitable.

    The occasional one or two events that don’t make a direct profit will help to grow the brand itself therefore making any future advertising space associated with red bull more lucrative. it’s all very carefully controlled marketing.

    Free Member

    The power of marketing + stupidity = ££££££

    Free Member

    and with Redbull TV we get to watch UCI MTB events. Everyones a winner, sports enthusiasts get to watch he sport they love, alcoholic/caffeine addicts are happy mixing away and people who need a hit to keep going during the day can put that Sh0t down their mouth.

    Full Member

    Red Bull and GoPro are both selling lifestyle, not product. The advertising/events help promote the lifestyle the targeted customers aspire to.

    Free Member

    You have the model the wrong way around. Red Bull are a PR and Events company, who produce a drink as they have so much publicity around the name that people will buy it no matter how horrible it is.

    Free Member

    sports enthusiasts get to watch the sport they love

    which is why I like Red Bull, even if I would never drink it.

    Full Member

    I think the OP is seeing it from the wrong angle. I believe that they are primarily a promotions / events company and that the drink is a convenient sideline that happens to sell quite well.

    Full Member

    I remember seeing the ‘original’ stuff in Thailand back in the late 90’s. Little bottles of amphetamine based* drinks that just and a picture of a red bull on them and were very popular with Thai taxi drivers.

    *I don’t know it was actually amphetamines, but something along those lines….

    Free Member

    I moved to Austria shortly after it was launched there, it was a fair bit stronger then (before being tamed down for a wider launch)

    I can safely say that winters in the Austrian Alps would have been a lot quieter if they hadn’t been fuelled, day and night, by redbull.

    Free Member

    I remember seeing the ‘original’ stuff in Thailand back in the late 90’s. Little bottles of amphetamine based* drinks that just and a picture of a red bull on them and were very popular with Thai taxi drivers.

    *I don’t know it was actually amphetamines, but something along those lines….

    Yes, in little medicine bottles. Very different to the cans

    Free Member

    It’s a fabulously successful business and very profitable. Huge margins as there aren’t any special or expensive ingredients. They spent a lot of marketing and I’m glad about that as they sponsor lots of cool events/sports.

    The drink is terrible but I don’t care as I don’t buy it.

    Free Member

    It’s great if you want the squits

    Free Member

    Much of the fun I had in my late 20s and early 30s was fuelled by Red Bull. Often with vodka.
    It’s not supposed to taste nice, it’s supposed to give you wings 😀

    Free Member

    Its interesting that a lot of our sport has benefited tremendously from a product that, at best, is bad for you.

    Enjoy the irony.

    Free Member

    Have you tasted it? It’s absolutely disgusting.

    I actually quite like it. Rarely drink it though.

    Beer on the other hand – yuck. If there’s anything that’s widely consumed inspite of its taste, it’s beer. Ok so it’s not directly marketed, but the peer pressure to force it down and ‘acquire’ the taste is huge*

    Anyway – re the company, I think they just do cool stuff because they can, and they like it. Like Branson.

    * ok so this is tongue in cheek, but how many people didn’t like beer the first time they tried it and carried on becuase everyone else was doing it?

    Free Member

    Don’t like the drink myself, so I don’t buy it.

    Do like some of the events and promotions.

    Everyone’s a winner (apart from the teenagers giving themselves liver problems by drinking vodka + red bull all weekend).

    Free Member

    Ok so it’s not directly marketed

    It isn’t?

    Free Member

    All I can say is that those teenagers must have a very different idea of what tastes good

    That’s the funny thing about taste.

    Full Member

    how many people didn’t like beer the first time they tried it and carried on becuase everyone else was doing it?

    Well yeah – but I felt the same about wine, olives, tomatoes, broccoli, stinky cheese, etc etc all of which I enjoy now.

    Whereas Red Bull still tastes like sugary Creamola Foam. And not in a good way.

    Free Member

    vodka and red bull? Yagerbombs is where its at!

    Full Member

    Redbull is a bit pricey for me but it is drinkable* and “energy” drinks are awesome, have kept me going in a multitude of ventures where a couple of cups of coffee wouldn’t really have been appropriate. Cracking stuff.
    *peoples tastes vary obviously

    Full Member

    I got a lift with a rep selling Coke once. Its was in the 1980s.

    He said that he sold a bladder of coke mix to a pub for I think £20. They would add water and CO2 and sell it £500.

    Making redbull costs very little. There are loads of cheaper alternatives. So they spend a proportion of the huge mark up they enjoy creating a global brand

    clearly it works

    Alcoholic drinks in the Uk at least have much worse margins

    Free Member

    Danny likes it.

    Free Member

    I quite like the fruity ones

    But yeah, only if a late night drive/gig/whatever is on the cards.
    However, I do find it quite easy to understand.

    Full Member

    Red Bull don’t make it such. They are solely a promotion company, they spotted a lucrative market promote a cheap drink that was made in India. They came up with the name Red Bull and started promoting, the drink is part of that promotion.

    Yeah I’ve explained it badly.

    Free Member

    Red Bull don’t make it such. They are solely a promotion company, they spotted a lucrative market promote a cheap drink that was made in India. They came up with the name Red Bull and started promoting, the drink is part of that promotion.

    Yeah I’ve explained it badly.

    better explanation here

    Free Member

    Redbull is a bit reactive for the older persons stomach and teeth – kid’s can knock litres of the stuff without too much effort or immediate ill effect.
    To all the Redbull haters out there I’d just ask how much overpriced disgusting froth they buy from Costabucks etc.

    Free Member

    Yeah I’ve explained it badly.

    I found that also easy to understand 🙂

    Free Member

    Jager bombs all round!!!

    Free Member

    In my industry many head chefs are now banning it from the kitchens as the younger chefs are downing it acting like tits and it screws up the tastebuds.

    I don’t even like the smell.

    Full Member

    I actually like the taste of the diet version (the only diet drink that taste a better than the normal version) however even a couple of sips triggers my ibs, gives me palpitations and generally makes me feel crap (as do any other drinks that have more caffeine than a mug of tea)

    Free Member

    I don’t even like the smell.

    Ugh!! The smell is the worst bit IMO. There have been many occasions when I’ve been at the gym and I get a wiff of it, only to find the offending person is standing about 5 metres away.

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