We are renovating an early Georgian Terrace, we have no back to the house, the roof on the rear is missing in prep for new joists, we have no stairs except an hydraulic lift, no kitchen, no bathroom, a front room full of builders tools and windows and felt and insulation, we have a roofer who tried desperately to rip us off, we have planning issues with two party walls, we have an architect who thinks colouring in with crayon a more profitable business model than producing accurate drawings, we have an access issue with two skips, we have a garden full of bricks that need repurposing and the mortar taking off, we have tarpaulins flapping about like large sails in any wind speed greater than 5knts, we have 8 builders on site who eat bacon every 15mins, we have hole where fireplaces used to be, we have a downstairs loo in the middle of what once was the old dining area.. it’s open and people can see you having a shit.
There are times in life when you should step back a realise “my life ain’t too bad”