Home Forums Bike Forum I gave my old Surly 1×1 away whatever happened to it?

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  • I gave my old Surly 1×1 away whatever happened to it?
  • PePPeR
    Full Member

    Anyone know what happened to my old Surly 1×1?

    I gave it away to a chap on this forum (I suppose karma stuff) I even dropped it off in Dunstable for him from Oxfordshire but he promised me he would be getting it repaired and then he would post pictures, but I’ve never seen hide nor hair of him again?

    I just saw a similar thread on the classifieds for a fixie road frame which jolted my memory somewhat and would love to know if the frame has been repaired and is being used again?

    Free Member

    Rich, I guess your faith in the forum may have been dented, its all change nowadays, things just aren’t the same.
    Must get out for a ride with you again soon(ish).

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