Home Forums Bike Forum (Hypo)Critical Mass

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  • (Hypo)Critical Mass
  • sor
    Free Member

    I’ve never been on one of these, viewing them from my hole of ignorance as a bunch of nutter-hippy vegetarians out to cause chaos with their anti-car rant before going home for some tantric chanting and a glass of home-brewed cabbage wine.

    Is this justified? Only I’ve now been invited along to one this Friday by a otherwise nice, intelligent, young woman. Yes I’d like a ride, but will I need to disguise the fact that I actually like cars and enjoy driving too!

    Free Member

    go via car with your bike on a rack on the roof?

    Free Member

    if you want to ride i suggest you find your own trails anywhere else.

    or are you talking about the reportedly intelligent lady?

    Free Member

    been on the manchester one once, some hippies but plenty normal cyclists too (are any cyclists actually normal though)..

    Good laugh, bloke had a trailer bike belting out the tunes and we all followed it for an hour. traffic didn’t seem to mind much, pulled up in an open space, had a bit of a chat, some people went to the pub..

    Free Member

    If this woman is a potential lady-friend then you shouldn’t need to ask us. If she’s just a woman, do you agree with the message of CMs in general (that bikes have a right to use the roads and should be noticed)?

    Full Member

    My problem is that what seems to be normal behaviour on current critical mass rides (huge groups of cyclists ignoring any normal road rules like red lights, partly to stay together and partly because they can, even blocking side roads to stop other traffic) does rather go against the “we are the traffic” ethos.

    I like the sound of Critical Manners. Seems to be a SF-only thing so far though.

    Free Member

    I like the sound of Critical Manners. Seems to be a SF-only thing so far though.

    Me too.

    Free Member

    … a bunch of nutter-hippy vegetarians out to cause chaos with their anti-car rant before going home for some tantric chanting and a glass of home-brewed cabbage wine

    So what’s not to like?

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