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  • Hudl2 Won't Boot
  • Freester
    Full Member


    FiL sent his Hudl2 back to mine for IT support. It won’t get past the ‘Powered by Android’ screen. It just seems to turn on, show that screen for 20-30s then turn off and try again. Stuck in that cycle ad infinitum.

    My googling all suggests it might need a factory reset or the cache clearing. Google again suggests to get it into the startup utilities menu turn on holding power and vol up. BUT it just won’t go into the startup settings menu. It just continues to cycle in the turn off / turn on / powered by android cycle.

    Similarly there is a safe boot using power + vol down. But again no joy just the usual powered by android cycle.

    I’ve found some website suggesting reflashing with a stock Hudl ROM but again I don’t think that’s going to work unless I can actually get the utilities start up menu.

    Last night after trying all this I turned the Hudl off. Stopped the reboot cycle and left it on charge overnight. Still no joy this morning.

    Don’t ask me how the system got in that state. Details are vague 😛

    I’m stuck. Anyone else got any suggestions that I can’t find with my Google Foo.


    Full Member

    Hold the volume button *before* the power button, and keep it held down.

    Full Member

    Is it definitely taking a charge?

    The charge ports on Hudls are notoriously delicate. If it’s low on charge it can sometimes get stuck in a loop like that as it doesn’t have enough power once it fires up the wifi circuitry etc.

    Free Member

    Hudl 2 has many problems hence no Hudl 3.

    It’s cheaper for the warranty agency to pay customers than fix them.

    Free Member

    Had similar with mine, resolved by overnight charge.
    Not only is the charge port a bit dodgy on the hudl, the battery mis-reports its charge level every now and again.

    Edit: if its charging properly it’ll get warm in the top right corner near the volume rocker.

    Full Member

    Hudl 2 has many problems hence no Hudl 3.

    No problem with either of our 2nd-hand hudl 2s in the six months we’ve had them. (Beyond normal Android oddities).

    Never understood how Tesco could afford to sell tablets of that high a spec for that price – I suspect it was a bit of a loss-leader or low profit item for them to get more people using the Tesco online stuff, so the ongoing support costs were probably a bit much for them.

    Full Member

    Cheers all.

    Left it on charge yesterday and had another go. I took it out of it’s case to have better access to the buttons and tried again. With the vol up, then power on combo once or twice I have managed to get it to start with a ‘FastBoot starting…’ in the top left. It looks like it’s trying to load the system utilities but it never gets any further. Left it on charge for 10 mins in this state but it never progresses.

    I think it might be bricked.

    Free Member

    I broke my much-loved Hudl2 last month and replaced it with a Lenovo Yoga for £130. It’s absolutely brilliant, great little stand, good camera, surprisingly capable little speakers and the battery lasts for a week.


    Full Member

    Cheers Gunz was about to start a new ‘what’s the android tablet of choice right now’ thread!

    Free Member

    Did you try the factory reset with paper clip?

    EDIT – seconded Gunz post, particularly wanted a decent battery life which the tab 3 definitely has. The battery tube looks a bit off-putting but makes it comfortable to hold in reading mode

    Full Member

    Did you try the factory reset with paper clip?

    Thanks but the Hudl2 doesn’t have the reset hole. It’s done by the Power+Vol Up combo.

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