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  • How to treat gooey gash?
  • esselgruntfuttock
    Free Member

    Mrs Futtock is a staff nurse & she says to carry on with the Savlon & you’ll be fine.

    She actually said, ‘Silly boy, tell him to go to the quacks or A&E sooner rather than later’ cos he needs a wound swab to establish which antibiotics may be needed to prevent Osteomyelitis.

    Free Member

    ^^^ +1

    This started innocuous enough. I didn’t get it properly treated and it turned revolting and rotted. It’s itching now, just thinking ’bout it.

    Free Member

    Medihoney – Manuka honey wound gel.

    Amazing stuff.

    Free Member

    After recently having a piece of glass stuck in my elbow, cleaning my wound out with pure coconut oil and pouring salt directly into the hole has worked a treat*

    Stubg like a mofo though.

    Free Member

    The difference a day makes! Thanks for all the advice people.

    People appear quite divided on whether goop should remain or not I ended up choosing to keep on removing it. I cleaned it thoroughly again yesterday sprayed it with some iodine that I found then left it uncovered for the day. Did require a subsequent cleaning but eventually the flow of goop as subsided and this morning it is crusted over quite nicely.

    I appreciate what people were saying about getting professionals to tender to it, if I was in UK I might have tried to see local surgery nurse as they are ace – here in Singapore it would cost me $ plus quite a long wait though.

    I think what didn’t help is that I went down at the beginning of the race so the wound spent over an hour being bathed in jungle funk.

    Found a pic of me rumbling round the jungle courtesy of the awesome xtbiker from pinkbike.

    Free Member

    Looks good. That is granulating nicely.

    I’d have avoided the antibiotics. If you are young, healthy and up to date with your jabs give your body a chance to heal itself.

    We are too quick to jump on the antibiotic wagon and that will be our downfall as resistance builds and we all die of bad stuff.

    Source: am charge nurse.

    Full Member

    Of course you wouldn’t have fallen off in the first place if you’d been on a modern bike with a less flexy back end 😉

    Full Member

    it is gooey. I support ScienceOfficer’s view but if you’re not ‘in the trade’ I’d recommend going to minor injuries to get it cleaned up professionally and dressed properly. Sure, on the whole you’re likely to continue to heal. But the alternative is not nice. Not nice at all.

    Full Member

    What Olly said.

    What you have now is serum which is fine the gunk you had yesterday isn’t.

    Free Member

    mountain biking is probably one of those activities that getting medical advice on a wound may be especially important – fell over running in Greno’ woods about 15years ago and picked up necrotising fasciitis in my elbow, saved (just) by quick surgery to remove infected tissue

    lucky was spotted early following an x-ray review – asked the Consultant why they had reviewed the x-ray with medical students next day – answer was the bug responsible lives in leaf mould and horse crap – notes said been running in woodland and must have gone down hard enough to possibly get stuff into wound if needed an X-ray

    a road cyclist here not so lucky:

    Free Member

    Of course you wouldn’t have fallen off in the first place if you’d been on a modern bike with a less flexy back end

    I have many excuses, another person crashing taking me off my line etc, none of them to do with me running out of talent 😀

    Gofasterstripes you gash was way gnarlier than mine, I’m assuming that shot was of it fresh, you can see the bruising and some deep bits.

    Thanks all for the advice, it is food for thought – I’m trying to find my records to see if I need a tetanus booster, etc. I am now significantly healed and need to get off my arse and do some more riding really.

    Free Member

    Glad to hear you’re mending dude.

    That hand was the result of ricocheting off a very dirty, wet and very rough A21 before taking a bus to the chest at 25mph.

    Still, I wasn’t late for work that day 🙂

    Free Member

    Tropical wounds are fun. I scratched a mozzy bite. It scabbed over I may have picked said scab, a week later walking through the canteen at work, showed nurse my weird looking wound who then marched me up to the infirmary to cut away at it as it had started ulcerating and why had in left it so long, if I wasn’t careful I would have to go to hospital. It was the size if a. 5p, burnt as if it was a on fire though.

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