Home Forums Bike Forum How to table top, lay the bike down flat in the air.

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  • How to table top, lay the bike down flat in the air.
  • smatkins1
    Full Member

    Whips are so 2013. I want to bring some 90’s style into my riding, how do I lay down some flat table tops?

    Tips and links appreciated

    Free Member

    I tried to put a link in for you. Look to bmx for inspiration – Justin Inman, chase hawk Chris stauffer. I’ve yet to see a proper ‘knees down’ table on an mtb, at the top tube is too high

    Free Member

    Nothing better than a classic trick done to perfection.

    Let the bike rise up under you, and push the bars one way or the other to point the front wheel up.

    Free Member

    I made a conscious decision when i started mtbing not to try the stunts i used to do on my bmx (arms and legs flailing about), so the tabletop became my default jump. I’d agree with Tony on the push the bars bit but to get it flat you gotta use them hips, knees and ankles. Hard to explain but while using the top half of your body to push down in one direction, use the lower half to pull up in the other. Sort of…

    Free Member

    euro-great pic.

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    Free Member

    You need to twist your top hand on the bars and then push it under your arm pit, whilst pushing your top knee accross the top tube and “scooping” up with your lower leg. They easier if you let your top foot come off the pedal. But as mentioned above, harder on an MTB than a BMX. One I did years ago.

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