Home Forums Bike Forum How to determine when to unfollow someone in Strava

  • This topic has 39 replies, 34 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by kiksy.
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  • How to determine when to unfollow someone in Strava
  • bigblackheinoustoe
    Free Member

    Well I have to admit to being a bit hasty in Following someone on Strava.
    It was a twenty minute impromptu encounter as we both were going about our individual rides with plenty of chit chat to bide the time. Couple of days later he gave me a kudos and a congratulatory message. I replied and then Followed him.
    The problem is he didn’t Follow me and now it’s distorting my Following:Followed ratio. Additionally I have to say his activities are pretty insignificant and neither inspire or entertain me. So is this good enough reason to Unfollow him? I don’t want to offend him.

    Full Member

    Additionally I have to say his activities are pretty insignificant and neither inspire or entertain me.

    I’m sorry. I’ll try to get out for a more gnarly ride this weekend. :-)

    Full Member

    Seriously? Following:Followed ratio???

    Full Member

    Following: followed ratio? Um think you might just need to not worry about it….is this a troll?

    Free Member

    Wtaf are you on about?

    Free Member

    Erm.. I don’t really know what to add here.

    I unfollowed Brandon Fairclough because on the odd occasion we’d rode the same section he was unsurprisingly much quicker than me and snaps me out of my dream that when I grow go I’ll become a WC racer. I’m 40 next month.

    Free Member

    How would even know if you unfollow him?

    Surely you don’t compare your followers to how many you follow?

    Full Member

    Ignoring trollage – surely as they haven’t reciprocated by following they don’t give a shit about you so unfollow the barsteward – but just so they know give 1 last kudos and message letting them know.
    That’ll hurt them! Or not.

    Full Member

    Surely you don’t compare your followers to how many you follow?

    it’s distorting my Following:Followed ratio.

    I’m just interested how bad my 0:1 ratio makes me look. :-)

    Full Member

    He does doesn’t live in Stoke-on-Trent does he?

    Free Member

    No…well I don’t think so but we weren’t riding round there at the time

    Free Member

    it’s distorting my Following:Followed ratio.

    I’m just interested how bad my 0:1 ratio makes me look.

    That’s OK. It’s when it’s something like 9:0 when it starts to look bad and you need to reassess your approach.

    Free Member

    This is a joke right?

    Full Member

    People worry about this sort of shit?!? :?

    Free Member

    The problem is he didn’t Follow me and now it’s distorting my Following:Followed ratio.

    That’s gotta be a piss take, right? Right….? :?

    Free Member

    northshoreniall – Member
    Ignoring trollage…..

    might be a mistake

    Free Member

    The problem is he didn’t Follow me and now it’s distorting my Following:Followed ratio.

    I don’t even know what this means. I know it isn’t a “problem” though.

    Free Member

    As in life, be very careful about the company you keep.

    Full Member

    Awesome trolling, DT would be proud

    Full Member

    Unfollow him, I’m sure he will appreciate it. Especially if he ever finds this thread.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    If trolling, good work.
    If serious,

    Full Member

    Free Member

    Jesus effing Christ

    Free Member

    You do know there is a real world out there not on Strava.

    Full Member

    Arrange to meet for a ride, then don’t turn up. Give an odd excuse.

    Repeat, with excuses getting more and more odd.

    That’ll teach him.

    (oh, and I think your humour is too subtle for many on here)

    Full Member

    Sad **** Racing Against Virtual Aresholes.

    I needed to post that to equalise my post to post ratio between the bike and chat forums.

    Full Member

    Following:Followed ratio

    Where can I find this, or is that just a Premium feature?

    Free Member

    If only Strava users “followed” others they have a genuine interest in what they get up to. :wink:

    Free Member

    Additionally I have to say his activities are pretty insignificant and neither inspire or entertain me.

    Bit like your posts. Get a **** life you dweeb.

    Full Member

    OP probably see’s himself as some sort of “Influencer”…
    How to appropriately score your narcissism…

    Free Member

    Wow, what a thread. :roll:

    Anyway, more importantly Strava related….I did a ride yesterday (1st one in 5 weeks) & Strava said I’d done 17.9 miles. I thought I’d stopped it at the end & saved it but it ‘auto paused’ it, which I didn’t realise till I got home. So now It’s saved the ride as 32 miles & a much higher average speed.
    can I delete the bit when I drove home? 8)

    Full Member

    Keep it, free miles. Any kom’s?

    Full Member

    This is where the net sucks for getting across subtle sarcasm.lol

    If the op is actually serious I really do live in a different, parallel world these days.** :-D

    As I suspect I do every time I look at the news…

    Free Member

    Keep it, free miles. Any kom’s?

    No idea but my top speed was about 60mph!

    Free Member

    Additionally I have to say his activities are pretty insignificant and neither inspire or entertain me

    That’s because since you started following him he keeps his best rides private ;)

    Full Member

    Nice, albeit delayed, sequel to the last occasion the OP started a thread.

    Full Member

    I drop anybody whose KoM:Out of the top 10 ratio is too low – unless they’re over 1,000km per month.
    I’ve a reputation to uphold; they have to earn an endorsement from me

    Full Member

    Multiply wind speed by angle of wind direction, if result greater than number of miles ridden in past [day][week][month][year]* by undesirable-followee then unfollow.

    *delete as appropriate

    Free Member

    I used to keep a tally of how many kudos I gave out to each person, and how much they gave me, in an aim to make sure I wasn’t being exploited for kudos, but the spreadsheet was getting a bit unmanageable as I made more Strava friends. Thankfully Strava have made a tool to handle all that for me:


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