I’ve got a fairly large wasp nest at the edge of my loft. Hard to say just how big, but it’s about a foot in diameter and goes down an unknown depth to my gutter (they get in via a crack between the wall and the soffits).
Having investigated the council seem to want to charge £60 quid to get rid of it and the cheapest online place wants 40 quid. This seems a bit excessive, so I’m wondering how to destroy it myself. The options as I see it seem to be:
1) Go into the loft. Stab at it with a big stick quickly. Withdraw from loft at pace and pull lid back.
2) Same as the first option but rather than use a stick, just chuck half a brick on it.
3) Cover myself up and pour boiling water on it and accept I’ll get a bit stung
4) Get some squirty stuff? If so is there a good type?
What happens when the nest is largely destroyed (by say me lobbing a brick on it)? Will the wasps give up and die, or will they try and fix it?
I’m sure some people will suggest I don’t destroy it, but fundamentally, it’s by my bedroom window so they keep flying in and secondly they are really noisy (the nest is directly above my bed and you can hear them scraping all night).