Home Forums Bike Forum How often should I change my stem?

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  • How often should I change my stem?
  • trusty
    Full Member

    As above really. The stem on my bikes 5 or 6 years old, the bike’s used several times a week so the stem’s had plenty of use. The stem looks fine, but does bits of kit like this have a use by date?

    Free Member

    Same as your handlebars and seatpost. And cranks. And brake levers, etc… If it ain’t broke and you are happy with it, it’s probably fine.

    Full Member

    steezysix – Member
    Same as your handlebars and seatpost. And cranks. And brake levers, etc… If it ain’t broke and you are happy with it, it’s probably fine.

    Handlebars yes, stem not unless crash damaged. I’ve only swapped stems when replacing old bars and standards have changed.

    Free Member

    You’re allowed to change it any time as long as its for a shorter “more Enduro” one. 😀

    Full Member

    You’re allowed to change it any time as long as its for a shorter “more Enduro” one.

    Incorrect, you’re also allowed to change it to a 140mm, -17 degree stem. Either go long, or go short, 50 – 120mm is simply not pro.

    Full Member

    It’s a 45mm jobie so plenty enduro enough for me. Going up to 140mm would be entertaining right until I had to go round a corner!

    Free Member

    better change the frame while you’re at it, just to be safe…

    Full Member

    Is it a Thomson? Everyone else’s stems last basically forever but they consider stem faceplates to be a consumable.

    Full Member

    rs, I have changed the frame after breaking the last one. It lasted 18 months so in comparison the stem’s doing well 😀 nope, not a Thomson stem. An old Sunline something or other

    Free Member

    I’ve got a Sunline V1 I bought used with no bolts. I was told the heads had rounded off and that they were alloy?! If true then they would be the only part I would worry about.

    I cleaned & checked the threads in the stem then used 12.9 high tensile steel bolts and it’s just fine

    Full Member

    lazlowoodbine, I think that’s what mine is. They’re definitely steel bolts though as I swapped them out as they were rusting

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