What you don’t know is how I actually feel in any given situation. You (along with the rest of STW) have decided that I’m an idiot and just fancy a cake, and am making excuses for it. That has been true at certain times during my life, that’s for sure
Whoa, whoa. Whoa there. Wind your neck in sunshine. This is your thread and you, as well as most, know the script, off by heart.
Now, you know I do not think you’re an idiot. If you’re interested, my opinion is you lack the self control. This is probably compounded ( conjecture, I know ) by having “naughty” food, easy to hand.
And yes, after around four years research and reading, I probably do have some vague notion of whats going on, physiologically and phsycologically.
But that doesn’t matter. What matters is that You know how it all works, for you and so I’d have hoped that you would have devised a strategy to succeed, by now. Just my opinion.