Home Forums Bike Forum How Much for postage????

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  • How Much for postage????
  • oldfart
    Full Member

    Seems i was a lone voice regarding subs but i hope i get some agreement with this.Contacted Kona Europe to try and get a bolted seatclamp for a Four Supreme.Paligap don’t have any and it’s an odd size30.7.They replied from MONACO!!!Yes they have one they can put on the web.That will be 10 Euros plus 10 Euros for postage!!!!!So thats nearly a tenner for something that weighs less than a gnats fart.Replied telling them thanks but no thanks.

    Full Member

    postage and packing, though, innit.

    you’re payign for post, envelope, time to pack etc.

    plus they probably work on a miminum p&p rate and it owuld be the same for all small items.

    and, a few weeks a go 10 euros was about 40p 😉

    Free Member

    I reckon a tenner for sending something that far away isn’t bad value, although it’s a bit shite that they don’t have any in the UK.
    Do you have a QR one on there already? Is it not possible to put a bolt through it?

    Full Member

    Ziggy not sure the bolt would work it’s an odd shape as well.The e mail worked though they have just replied.Agree that is too high will do it for 4 Euros.

    Full Member

    "Agree that is too high will do it for 4 Euros."

    How disappointing, your ire wil have to be redirected now 😉

    Full Member

    LOL Wwaswas. 🙄

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