Oil sands remediation – yes, I think my job is somewhat ironic..
The one part of Environment Canada that Harper (who is like GW Bush’s shadow) hasn’t lain the axe to in an effort to get the Keystone XL pipeline built. Infact if it isn’t oil sands related, you have to fight *very* hard to get the research cash to do anything but, very different to even 12 months ago.
On the other side of things, my friend who owns a used bicycle business in Hamilton, ON – they only do repairs and sell refurbished secondhand bikes that are *given* to them is absolutely booming, to the point he bought a new premises with cash and is to rent out the top two floors as loft apartments 😀
As for the rest of Canada…things aren’t nearly as rosy as the UK broadsheets make out, people have jobs yes, but my god is it all a house of cards waiting to tumble down, everything is built on credit. It’s like the UK in 2004.