At the moment he’s a good friend (but this could change) when we go out cycling he’s too fast. He’s like a coiled spring usaully and likes to go off like a shot as soon as we start, I like to break in gently and settle to a rythym, this matches our different lovemaking styles tbh. He has to push all the time, balls out dancing on the pedals for the whole ride watching him down a slight decline is frustrating coz I like freewheeling. All too often I find him waiting/track standing/cycling in circles/practising bunny hops like an attention deficit eight year old. It’s only from flat/cycling.
I’m capable of more but choose to pootle. Sometimes he screams inane sounbites like ‘Turn those pedals’ ‘ok let’s pick it up a bit’ ‘faster FASTER!’ ‘Go go GO’
Other times when we’re stopped He’ll ask ‘you go as fast as you can all the time and I’ll match you’ but tbh, life’s too short and I’m enjoying watching him slowly break down.
Don’t say go and ride with a group coz I’ve done that a fair few times and the lack of faff is unbelievable.
😉 It’s Friday afternoon…