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  • House Deeds.
  • zippykona
    Full Member

    Do you have the deeds for your house?

    We paid our mortgage off years ago and all we have is a piece of paper confirming that fact.

    Mrs Zip’s sister has a rather grand certificate , should we?

    Free Member

    My solicitor keeps all the title deeds securely, i have copy deeds.
    This is in Scotland, and the deeds – copies – can be ordered online from Registers of Scotland

    Normally not (wasnt) recommended to have your own original copy (in case you lost them).

    When pay the mortgage off, normally the solicitor clearing the charge on the property will offer to keep them in safe storage for you. Your originals with the conveyancing solicitor?

    Edit to add – In Scotland. Not all deeds have been digitised and put on the Land Register, so the non digitised ones are still on the old Sasine Register – so expected to have/keep the originals for safe keeping.

    Full Member

    Land Registry should have them digitised, we have ours & a load of extra crap that’s interesting to browse through the property history – no need for mortgage co to hold them these days

    Full Member

    What do people actually mean by ‘deeds’? (In England)

    Is it a specific set of documents, or just the Land Registry Title, and Plan that can be downloaded for £3 a copy, but updated to show that the mortgage company have no charge over the property?

    Although we’ve never paid off a mortgage so far, in the few houses that we have had mortgages on, we have never been aware of a set of documents other than the Land Registry title documents, and the usual bumff like building regs certificates, FENSA docs etc

    Full Member

    No, and paid off our mortgage a few years ago. 1930’s house so there likely would have been some years ago? I think there was something about them being digital when I made an unconcerned enquiry of the bank on completion.

    I know my father in law never actually paid his off, left it at some nominal amount so the lender would retain them for him. I must ask him if that’s still the case.

    Full Member

    I was going to pay my Woolwich mortgage off some 28 years or so ago but left £100 on it so they held my deeds for free. I wasn’t charged any interest as I recall and then when they demutualised I got the share issue, which was nice 😊

    Full Member

    The deeds to my parent’s house are held at their bank, given I completed selling the house last week and nobody asked for them I’d suggest having the hard copy isn’t that important these days.

    Full Member

    We’ve got our deeds, and we still have a mortgage.

    Aren’t they pretty pointless these days?

    Full Member

    For our old house, built in 1900 we had the original paper deeds – hand written on heavy paper with quite fancy writing and a big wax seal on the front as well as copies of all the paperwork from previous sales to the time of our sale.

    Free Member

    I also had mine when i bought my previous house, i passed them on the new owner.  I think solicitors had decided that they couldn’t be bothered storing them any more as they are not needed in this digital age.

    Full Member

    It’s mostly digital now…

    My convencer simply forwarded me a PDF copy, it confirms me as:

    : Proprietorship Register
    This register specifies the class of title and identifies the owner. It contains
    any entries that affect the right of disposal.
    Title absolute (my name), the price I paid, and when.

    Full Member

    I mean your solicitor could print it off for about £3 and charge you an admin charge on top, it it makes you feel safer?

    Full Member

    We saw ours when we viewed the house and the seller (or agent?) showed them to us.  Seem to remember they were pretty big and wax seal.   The seller was an angry knob and even though we didn’t cause any aggro, the estate agents refused to take calls from him and we never saw the deeds again!

    Free Member

    Paid off our mortgage just before Xmas….. Literally have heard nothing from the Nationwide….. Nothing.

    I tried to log in to the mortgage account a few weeks ago but it didn’t exist. 🤔

    Deeds: we were sent them quite a few years ago but they’re just for show as everything is with the land registry.

    I’ve no idea where I put them!

    Full Member

    Sale of my mates house is being delayed because the buyers solicitor wants the land registry to “correct” the deeds (which is an unknown timeframe) because there is a covenant about fence maintenance with a point “C” shown on the plan but not mentioned in the deeds – that’s because it’s not relevant you **** morons – and relax 😕

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