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  • HOPE not hate – inside the far right
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    This should be worth watching on Channel Four, this Monday at 22.00. This the first time that this very brave organisation (Hope not hate) has allowed cameras to follow one of their undercover investigations. The film was due to premiere at a film festival but due to safety concerns for the staff at the venue it was pulled.IMG_3487

    Full Member

    Oh yeah, looks like a bundle of joy for a wet evening

    Free Member

    I expect that will be a difficult but important watch.  Cheers for the PSA.

    Full Member

    Oh yeah, looks like a bundle of joy for a wet evening

    IF you’re not bothered by the far right, don’t worry your little socks about it.

    Full Member

    @weeksy I’m sure you’ll not be out at that time on a Monday testing your courage against an inanimate trail? Broaden your horizons!

    Full Member


    It is allowed not to be positive about articles you know. This places baffles me that you’re not allowed to disagree with things

    Full Member

    Broaden your horizons

    Why? It only seems to make people angry/unhappy if you look at threads on here. Staying within my bubble means I can remain positive when many other seemingly cannot.

    Free Member

    Surely you’d just not post then? Some people are both very worried about the Far Right and also interested in ways in which to stop them.

    Should be a good but difficult watch.

    Full Member

    Surely you’d just not post then?

    Why? Why does everything have to agree these days. Why do people who are negative towards something not allowed an opinion as much as anyone else.

    It’s a bit of a bugbear for me on this site, as soon as you don’t agree with a thread you’re pulled up on it.

    I don’t really do politics so I have no idea what it’ll be about, but reading the blurb it doesn’t sound like fun. Hence my comment

    Full Member

    @weeksy I wouldn’t regard your first response as positive! Staying in a bubble and ignoring the outside world allows hate to fester, getting involved, even if it’s in a small way can help improve our lives and the lives of others.

    Free Member

    Well I mean I for instance hate football and hate top gear, but I’d not go on those threads to say how much I dislike them, I’d just ignore. I’m sure you’d find it pretty weird if people constantly posted on the thread about your pads racing to say that they weren’t interested and found it boring….(To clarify, that’s not my view of the thread).

    Also, what @wheelsonfire1 said

    Full Member

    Fair call. *Thumbs up smiley that doesn’t exist any more*

    Full Member

    It is allowed not to be positive about articles you know. This places baffles me that you’re not allowed to disagree with things

    OF course you can – as you clearly demonstrated, you can say what you want.

    But here’s the thing – so can I.

    Free Member

    This places baffles me that you’re not allowed to disagree with things

    Don’t talk soft. Of course you’re allowed to disagree with things. But that same allowance extends to others who by turns may disagree with you.

    It’s a bit of a bugbear for me on this site, as soon as you don’t agree with a thread you’re pulled up on it.

    … good?

    Is this not how we learn things?

    Free Member

    Should be an interesting watch. Hopefully it will be about actual far right nut jobs rather than anyone who doesn’t believe in unmanaged immigration.

    Full Member

    I used to drink in a pub that skrewdriver drank in. They lionised our second world war veterans but had swastika tattoos . Admittedly I never asked any of them how that squared.


    Admittedly I never asked any of them how that squared.

    I have. Didn’t end well.

    Full Member

    Meh, looking at that poster just makes me think it’ll be sensationalist blurb, i doubt anything new will be in it, we’ve seen a fair few behind the curtains stuff before, a lot of us have grown up around a lot of the nutters and after the riots earlier this year, we kind of know the proper far right are a bit of a laughing stock now, rather than a great threat to the survival of the UK.

    Full Member

    I expect that will be a difficult but important watch. Cheers for the PSA

    My thought as well.

    Though having taken my parents up to the annual cousins reunion today,  I feel I’ve been inside this programme. The three non racists retreated to the washing up when it got political.

    Full Member

    Surely you’d just not post then? Some people are both very worried about the Far Right and also interested in ways in which to stop them.

    Ots a shame they aren’t as worried about the rise of far left terrorist sympathisers  round the world

    . You have to be on messsge if you don’t want shooting down. I agree with you staying in your own bubble is far better than getting angry about things you can’t change.

    Free Member

    Ots a shame they aren’t as worried about the rise of far left terrorist sympathisers  round the world

    Extremists of any creed are rarely a good thing.  Though you generally need to go in the other direction if you’re looking for genocidal maniacs.  “Far left terrorists” tend to be anarchists or communists rather than ethnic cleansers.

    It’s not for me but given a “lesser of two evils” scenario I’d rather be on the side not typically associated with words like “Reich.”

    Full Member

    Didn’t end well

    Hopefully for the knuckledraggers

    Full Member

    the rise of far left terrorist sympathisers round the world

    When did this rise in far left terrorist sympathisers round the world happen? I can’t say that I have heard of it.

    In contrast the rise of the far-right in Europe and the United States is well documented.

    Full Member

    Bumpity bump! A reminder…..

    Full Member

    Watching it now. There’s some very impressive people in HnH.

    Full Member

    ‘Twas very good indeed.  Some brave people involved in that.  They are doing vital work, IMO.  However, it’s hard to believe that there weren’t also some MI5 people at the Polish rally, keeping an eye on the British contingent.

    Free Member

    even the torygraph reviewed this well!


    Hopefully for the knuckledraggers

    I couldn’t possibly comment for fear of upsetting some users delicate sensibilities, I’m quite proud that my small circle has never given these mouth-breathers any quarter.

    The odd association of UK/US ‘patriotism’ (nationalism) and that evil ideology has always confused but interested me.

    Given the events of 80 years ago it is very much an insulting contradiction, probably the most visible declaration of hypocrisy ever?

    Full Member

    You have to be on messsge if you don’t want shooting down. I agree with you staying in your own bubble is far better than getting angry about things you can’t change.

    As has been pointed out to Weeksy, you’re most welcome to voice your opinion, which is a right that those holding contrary positions are also welcome to exercise. The irony of you suggesting “staying in your own bubble” rather than voicing an opinion is incredible. 🙂

    Full Member

    Given the events of 80 years ago it is very much an insulting contradiction, probably the most visible declaration of hypocrisy ever?

    Absolutely this, never ceases to amazed me that my parents generation, whose on parents fought in the war, are so blind to the hypocrisy.

    I’m home alone thus afternoon so I may knock off early after my last meeting and watch this properly.

    Full Member

    Given the events of 80 years ago it is very much an insulting contradiction, probably the most visible declaration of hypocrisy ever?

    You know what – I’m not convinced most of the British public saw it that way. They were proud to fight against some scummy  ‘foreigners’ that had the audacity to threaten to invade these green and pleasant lands. The political persuasions of those ‘orrible upstarts and the persecution they were meating out on Jews, Romanies etc was pretty irrelevant and/or unknown. The racist attitudes and antisemitic thoughts of most of the British great unwashed at the time was pretty vile too. They weren’t saving the world from fascism, just saving themselves from having to live like a Kraut.


    Aye, but I’m refering to today’s idiots, with all that we know in 20/20 hindsight.

    Full Member

    was pretty irrelevant and/or unknown.

    The Holocaust became public knowledge around ’42/43 when the American govt published the first reports of mass murder in eastern Europe, and it was pretty common place to have German Jewish GI’s and Jewish neutralized German UK service men in regular units that had either fled Nazi Germany before the war, or had relatives there writing to them. And of course once the Allies reached mainland Europe it very quickly became obvious how the Nazis treated civilians, captured and injured soldiers and even their own. I think rather than unknown,  certainly by mid war, most soldiers were aware of who they were fighting. Not least because as well as all the things above, they were being briefed through news-reels lectures and reading pamphlets about what was going on.

    I think UK far right are attracted by post war revisionism and rehabilitation of some Nazis because of the cold war and the idea spread by some former Nazis that the plan ‘all along’ was to join forces to defeat Bolshevism (all a load of bollocks obvs) , and the usual other things that some folks are attracted to; the image, the weaponry, the ‘elitism’ and for some the idea that the Nazis were right all along – however unpalatable that seems.

    Full Member

    Just finished watching this. Edited for effect as I’m sure there’s a lot of dull legwork involved too, but both fascinating and scary at the same time.

    Especially on the day Richard Tice MP referred to jailed rioters as “political prisoners” FFS

    Free Member

    Ots a shame they aren’t as worried about the rise of far left terrorist sympathisers  round the world

    Rightwing fantasist whataboutery at its finest. If you’re worried about left wing terrorism and would like to discuss it, start a thread with examples of the things that concern you?

    Full Member

    If you’re worried about left wing terrorism

    It’s the “Baader–Meinhof phenomenon”!

    Aka the “frequency illusion”.

    Free Member

    Anyone pick up on the Marina Hyde dig at Musk today saying that there’s no need for him to invoke “my struggle”. Top work from her as ever! Will try and catch the documentary later.

    Free Member

    Excellent documentary and brave, methodical and dedicated work by HNH. No showboating, just quietly doing good stuff, despite some very real threats to their safety.

    we kind of know the proper far right are a bit of a laughing stock now, rather than a great threat to the survival of the UK.

    The people featured in the documentary after not a “laughing stock”. They’re dangerous.

    Full Member

    we kind of know the proper far right are a bit of a laughing stock now, rather than a great threat to the survival of the UK.

    That really did not age well now the documentary is out there, people jailed for making threats and buying the weapon to carry it out.

    More worryingly the comments from the Britain First guy saying he hopes the country continues to go downhill because that is when they will have more appeal and power. Someone has learnt a lesson from history, shame it’s not the main political parties.

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