This happened to me last March, the boys were 1.75 and 3.75 years old.
Fortunately they were in nursery for 4 of the 8 days. I agree with things said above:
Plan and prepare meals so you can just cook pasta and put the sauce you made last night on, heat something up, make an omelette. Ours get hungry all of a sudden and if you can’t get them something quick then they drive you mad asking for bread, biscuits etc.
Walk in woods
Bus ride into town/to a new park
go to park
Picnic – kids don’t care if its cold and muddy
Painting (proper messy painting)
make things – space ship is good, then paint it. Make masks
birthday list – get a catalogue (Argos etc) and get them to cut out what they want and stick it to a piece of paper
Don’t feel guilty about sticking a DVD on especially in the late afternoon if you’ve been out
Bike rides
Scooter rides
Dressing up, face painting
Read books
You’ll be knackered but you’ll all love it, it really helps with bonding!