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  • "highly rated" films that you just didn't like.
  • chrisdw
    Free Member

    There will be blood is another good suggestion. Think I gave up with it halfway through.

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    Apart from Kevin Costner and Nicolas Cage, has there ever been a worse leading man?

    The answer:

    AlexSimon – Member
    Most things featuring Daniel Day Lewis

    Free Member

    tomkerton – Member
    Star Wars? Really? I’m surprised. Episodes 4, 5 & 6? What’s not to like?

    The first 3 modern episodes on the other had…..

    The dialogue is awful. They are too long. The transitions are embarrassing. The constant re-cgi-ing. Some of the acting is pretty poor too.

    I love the idea of star wars, but whenever i watch one of the films i can’t watch more than ten minutes.

    Free Member

    Recently, The Great Beauty.

    Nice to look at, but unsubstantive toss.

    Full Member

    If Indy wasn’t there, they’d have taken the medallion easily and been on their way thus accelerating their progress to the burial site and thence the island and their impending deaths.

    Ah! But the Nazis had to follow Indy to find out where the headpiece was, they’d never have found it otherwise.

    Anyway my classics that I don’t like are,
    Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
    House of flying daggers
    Alien (s) all of them

    Free Member

    There Will Be Blood and No Country For Old Men.

    Free Member

    I don’t dislike the Star Wars franchise but I don’t view them as anything other than children’s films, which is exactly what they are. So I’m not overly critical of them in any sense.

    Full Member

    I agree with everyone above. All films are overrated to get people to watch them.

    Full Member

    Star Wars

    The Royal Tenenbaums

    Harry potter

    Lord of the rings


    Erm basically any scifi/fantasy films, just guff

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    Free Member


    Ah, anothe Daniel Day film – There Will Be Blood. So boring. Wanted to like it, but god it was a drag. That’s one film I’ll never watch again!

    Free Member

    I know a lot of you like it on here, but Drive was utter tosh!

    I watched it on telly the other night and quite enjoyed it 😳 (music was still awful though)

    Full Member

    I don’t dislike it per se, but I’ll +1 The Big Lebowski. It’s alright, but I really don’t understand what the fuss is about.

    I know a lot of you like it on here, but Drive was utter tosh!

    One of the few films I’ve turned off halfway through. We were going to watch the other half the next day and just couldn’t be arsed. Maybe it picked up later, but the half I watched was an exercise in mediocrity.

    Free Member

    just watched only god forgives… am sure its a 10 minute story dragged out for 90mins.looks good but seems to be a study in walking.the main bad guy needs to see a chiropractor

    Full Member

    Oh yeah,

    I’m getting increasingly bored with the found-footage / chase-cam genre. It was a novelty in the diabolically dire Blurred Witch Project, and done to bloody death ever since. It doesn’t make it look “realistic”, it makes it look “crap.”

    Full Member

    How can it look less realistic? 🙂

    Full Member

    am sure its a 10 minute story dragged out for 90mins

    That reminds me of Open Water. Quite possibly the worst film I’ve ever paid money to watch. I wrote about it on Mono at the time, after being accused of not liking “minimalist” films.

    Open Water, in my opinion, was pants. Great big wafty ones. Not because it was “minimalist”, but because it was just so piss poor on so many levels. The two main characters are completely bland; I’d say they were immediately dislikeable, but they weren’t that good. The camera work makes The Blurred Witch Project look professional. The plot is absolutely non-existent (two people go on holiday, get lost in the ocean, argue a bit, get nibbled at by sharks, the end). There is *nothing* in the way of plot twists, character development, anything at all to hold your interest unless you have a “two people floating around a bit” fetish. The most exciting bit of the entire film was one of them having a wee.

    Apologies for recycling the BWP gag.

    Free Member

    (music was still awful though)

    Nah, the music was amazing – I danced all the way home from the cinema. 😀

    Full Member

    Gladiator, I can appreciate well filmed cinema but ultimately it was too much crafted to milk emotions from the audience instead of telling a story. Same goes to Shawshank redemption but to slightly smaller degree.

    Free Member

    Just suffered through The Drive, shite to the highest degree.

    Free Member

    Any film that uses ‘edgy’ and ‘realistic’ wobbly cameras are complete crap. Yes, I’m looking at you the second/third Bourne films.

    Can remember paying beer tokens for the second film in the cinema and then came out feeling dizzy and not being able to remember much else.

    So edgy I can’t even understand the plot. Bah!

    Free Member

    I liked Drive and its soundtrack. It was a weird one though and probably wouldn’t watch it again, too many awkward pauses. Nightcall is an absolute tune!

    Full Member

    The Unbearable Lightness of Being.
    unbearable shiteness.

    Free Member

    Am currently working my way through all the movies in the IMDB top 100 or so – which I haven’t already seen – from the top downwards. Will no doubt see all 250 at some point.

    Agree with most of them being great films with one big HOWEVER:

    Shawshank Redemption. What a totally average film


    It really is just another prison movie. Watch Papillon instead. Or Brubaker.

    Also, Se7en is utterly predictable twash and nothing special.
    And A Clockwork Orange. Absolute nonsense.

    Free Member

    – Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

    So dull, so boring, and a pretty odd storyline to follow how it’s filmed

    – There will be blood

    – No Country for old men

    Bland, killed off the main protagonist bizarrely, no justice. Pretentious film that people seem to like because it has a slow story line, good cinematography and long pauses. Not entertained.

    Free Member

    Inception. Marketed as an “intelligent and thoughtful” thriller but actually nothing more than a bog standard fight & flight action movie with a bit of VI Form cod philosophy thrown in. Almost as bad as The Matrix on that score.

    Full Member

    – No Country for old men

    I’m glad you said that, I thought it was just me. I watched it thinking “well, I don’t know how on earth they’re going to wrap this up in the last few minutes” and the answer was they didn’t, they just rolled the credits rather than make the last third of the film.

    Free Member

    No Country for Old Men makes more sense when you stop thinking about Chigurh as a person and start thinking of him as Death.

    Free Member

    The people saying they dint like LOTR because it has elves and wizards in it. What were they expecting? A thought provoking political drama? There are quite a few films listed here that I quite like. The Big Lebowski being one but my other half hates it.

    I hated Donnie Darko, I just dint see what the fuss was about. I’ll also add:

    Blair Witch Project
    Law Abiding Citizen
    Robin Hood (Russell Crow jobbie)

    I’m sure there are many others two.

    Taken 2 was a steamng pile too although I don’t know if anyone actually liked it.

    Full Member

    and start thinking of him as Death.

    This is the kind of ******** that makes me say all films are over-rated.

    Free Member

    This is the kind of ******** that makes me say all films are over-rated.

    I often find that people say something is ********* because they don’t understand it and not because actually it is *********.

    Full Member

    I often find that people say something is ********* because they don’t understand it and not because actually it is *********.

    That’s right. I’m just stupid. There I was expecting an entertaining film, and all I got was pseudo intellectual ‘art’.

    I’ll stick to Top Gear repeats on Dave.

    Free Member

    If you take the pseudo out of that you’re spot on.

    Full Member

    Clearly we have differing views on what art is.

    Free Member


    Any film with a comic character in

    It’s a wonderful life

    Every romcom ever

    Free Member

    Pseudo-intellectual art? What did you think, Simon Clituris?

    Free Member

    Close Encounters of the Third Kind , massively hyped but utter total tosh
    Also Gangs of New York , I walked out half way through , it was really dreadful .

    Free Member

    Clearly we have differing views on what art is

    NCfOM is art, partly because it carries meanings other than the surface story. All good art does this and all good art divides opinion.

    Free Member

    AdamW – Member
    …Bourne films…So edgy I can’t even understand the plot. Bah!


    Free Member

    I never really saw what the fuss was about with Death in Venice. Left me cold.

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