I’d assumed Richpips was already pitched up, there are some nice spots by the lochside there if I remember.
Dave’s past Shenavall and just forded the river! Wonder if he’s aiming for the locked bothy across the way (Lochivraon, is there a shelter round the back of it?). Maybe he saw Keiths lights and has given chase (is it dark at 10pm? I’m on Vancouver time, dark by 9ish).
Think Lichd house had an unlocked shelter for Tom and Steve, doubt you could fit two lying down in it though 😀 Camban would be a good 2 hours off at least.
This is great fun, already trying to figure out how to find the time next year or following… (and the training, and the equipment, and the complete M-ingTFU which would be required, 50km days probably don’t cut it here!)