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  • Highland trail 550 entry
  • pete68
    Free Member

    I see entry for next year’s group start opens in a week or so. Like a lot of riders this is one of those rides on my to do list. Does anyone know what the qualifying criteria is for this? Obviously I could just go and do it whenever but being part of the group ride would add to the experience

    Full Member

    There is a list of qualifying events.

    Edit. Not sure where though, sure it used to be on the main site

    Free Member

    Any of the classic US routes would do it. As would completion of things like Borders 350, Cairngorm loop, Yorkshire dales 300 or similar within the times. Although there is a list you need to be able to demonstrate completion of a multiday route.

    I’m guessing there will be significant demand for places next year. We obviously have the impression it was too much fun this year 🙂

    As its Alan’s event it’s his rules. interesring the qualifying events are listed. I guess that if you are not a familiar face on the scene you will need to state your case.

    Full Member

    From the Bearbones forum

    It’s NOW just over 5 weeks until I will start taking requests for places on the 2017 group start. Still not too late to get a qualifying ride in!
    These include Lakeland 200, Cairngorms Loop and Yorkshire Dales 300. All should have been completed inside the time limits. I’ll also accept the northern or middle loop of the HT550. The main reason for having these “qualifiers” is for you to know what you are getting into and the best way is to have done large parts of the route itself. GPX files/links to Strava activities accepted as “proof”.
    Finishers from the last three editions (since HT became 550 miles) will have a guaranteed place. An ITT finish also assures you of a place. This year I will take up to 60 names again and expect 40-50 to make the start line come May 27th. I’ll keep 10 places for women but won’t limit it to that should there be more female applicants. Also a minimum of 10 places will be for overseas riders, who should have experience of tough bikepacking routes/races where they are from.
    The route for 2017 will be almost identical to this year. No E-bikes in the group start please!

    Free Member

    Yep, I knew there are qualifying events but I can’t see a list anywhere. Thought it would be on the website but can’t see anything. I could just email the organiser I suppose.

    Edit. More info added above thanks.

    Free Member

    If you haven’t recently done a hard multi-day ITT or mass start event then you won’t be getting in.

    Basically it’s Alan’s discretion but you need to have done something like:-

    Lakeland 200
    Cairngorms Loop
    Cambrian Trail
    Tour Divide
    Yorkshire Dales 300

    Free Member

    Thered be a lot of fun to be had riding the middle or northern loop at this time of year

    Free Member

    I’ve been in the transcontinental for the last 2 years but have failed to finish. Still did about 1000 miles in a week though.

    Free Member

    Chance to do the Lakeland 200 a week before the 550 as I,ve organised a mass start this May at least 40 riders are doing the Lakeland 200 (kms) whilst the other 80 are doing the sensible South Lakes 100(Miles)
    There are places left for either event #jennride donation of your choice

    I am so tempted to do the 550

    Free Member

    In addition to what Colin quoted from Alan, he’s stated that:

    Just to be clear, a qualifying ride does not guarantee you a place, you just go into the pot with the others that have done suitable rides. If there are 80 riders after the 60 places the ones who’ve done the most, biggest, hardest qualifying rides will get the nod! You need to confident that you can make it round in sub 8 days too.

    Full Member

    AND if all the finishers from the last three runnings enter then there’ll be a lot fewer than 60 places available.

    Free Member

    Obviously I could just go and do it whenever but being part of the group ride would add to the experience

    I’d just go and have a go, for most folk you don’t have much company.

    Free Member

    Rich makes a good point. Until I met Lee on the last day in the great Glen I’d spent hardly any time riding with others.

    Few folk on the first day. At the shop at contin and Oykel bridge hotel for lunch on day two. Then no one until Oykel bridge the second time. Ride into fisherfield was with Phil and Scott then passed them next morning then briefly in the cafe at kinlochewe at midmorning then only saw Javi – asleep trail side at 1am next day.

    Met Lee in while in a bit of a tangle at 6am and we rode back together from there.

    That’s not much time out of 4 and a bit days

    Free Member

    Looks interesting pity it is about the same dates as http://www.freedomchallenge.org.za/ was thinking of having another go at that one, racing instead of touring this time

    Free Member

    Prob a bit of a dumbass question, but why cant I find an entry form on the website?
    Do I just email Alan with a ‘resume’ of my riding errr history?

    Free Member

    Web entry form = lower commitment generally. Fill in form, hit send/post, forget you’ve entered, CBA to do the training. You’ve taken up a slot that someone who can be arsed to remember they’ve entered and to do the training.

    So send Alan an email with as much info as you can with supporting data like Strava activities and the like, he’ll shove you in all the others and if your name comes out of the hat then you’re on the group start. If not then you can ITT the route at any time but doing so a day or two either side of the group start might not be the best idea.

    Free Member

    I do fancy this, but I’ll be in North Carolina getting ready for the American Trail Race. Its not on the ‘approved list’, maybe I can get an under the radar entry in 2018?

    Free Member

    Thanks Whitestone, figured that was the drill. Done lots of stuff over the years, but not done any of the ‘recommended’ rides. Tempted just to do ITT another time – as you say, not when event is on! Now Im doing the homework a lot of those othe rides are looking tempting anyway!

    Free Member

    Rich and Ian make good points regarding “company”. It’s not often you are riding “with” someone, you’ll have company for a while but then either you or the other rider will be stronger and you’ll be on your own again. On the YD200 group start this year after leaving the cafe at Feizor at 50Km I only met one rider (the organiser as it happens) for about 30 seconds at the Moorcock Inn until I finished. On the two YD300 rides I probably had company for less than half the time. On this year’s BB200 I was passing lots of the early starters as far as Knighton, rode with a guy from there until Bwlch y Sarnau and was on my own from there for the last 60Km through the night to the finish. You need to be comfortable with your own company.

    @Thenorthernmonkey. The YD300 is a good one, about 30-36hrs for most riders, the Cairngorm Loop and Pennine Bridleway are similar. The Lakeland Loop is shorter but more technical and with more HaB. Next step up in commitment would probably be The Borders 350 and The Cambrian Trail. I’d say all are worthy challenges in their own right (the latter two are on my radar for 2017).

    Free Member

    @whitestone- thanks for
    the tips. Quick bit of googling has found me a good few to go at!
    http://selfsupporteduk.net/ looks a good site for starters.
    I struggle for big chunks of time off – wife and I both full time w 5yr old, and no granny nearby for childcare/school holiday cover, so I need to pick carefully!

    Free Member

    Accepted rider list is live:


    Mike H, Rich R, and a few other new very fast, very competent riders this year. Few names from the Tour Divide that I’d talked to last year about the race.
    Standard of the returning field is high as well. Very high.

    Should be a good one. Sub 4 days if weather permits I suspect.

    Free Member

    I do fancy this, but I’ll be in North Carolina getting ready for the American Trail Race. Its not on the ‘approved list’, maybe I can get an under the radar entry in 2018?

    Or, you could just ITT the route.

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