Trying to view some CCTV taken off a digital system onto a USB stick. This was downloaded as about 25 .dvr files. The system, like most, also downloads an .exe file to the USB which is a player for the .dvr files.
The files were then copied from the USB stick to DVD-R discs, and due to the volume this required 2 DVDs. This was done using a dedicated machine that simply makes direct copies from one media to another. The .exe file for the player only copied to the first disc i.e. 1 of 2.
I can watch the files on the first disc fine, but not the second, as the player isn’t there. So far I have tried:-
– copying the .exe file to the desktop and saving it onto the second disc, but the discs are protected so it won’t do that.
– copying the .exe file to the desktop, then putting the second disc back in the PC, but while I can open the player and find the .dvr files they don’t play properly and the footage doesn’t come up.
– copying the .exe file and .dvr files off the second disc to the desktop, then saving all to a new DVD-R and also a formatted USB stick, but in both cases that’s the same as above.
– watching the .dvr files on the .exe player while via the desktop. As above.
The footage is definitely on the second disc because if I open files on Windows Media Player I can see its there, but unfortunately WMP can’t split up the multiplex footage so it’s there but unwatchable.
The original USB stick is not available.
Any suggestions?