The front left pocket has our unique ‘Banker’s Pocket’ built in
I think I spotted a typo – but anything that facilitates a game of pocket billiards is worth £95 of my money.
Just what I was going to post. I’ve paid a lot for the right product over the years and that’s still a serious wedge for a pair of jeans.
For anything other than mass-market stuff thats actually pretty keenly priced.- Diminishing returns and that. If its something that you like and lasts then its money well spent – I’ve been known to spring £200 on a pair of jeans, its not something you want to do very often but the last time I did it was 2003 and they’re still ace and I’ve not bought another pair since, so in the scheme of things pretty economical.
Also, WhoTF has a 36″ inside leg, Magic Johnson?
*waves* and thats Mr Johnson to you.