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  • Headache from stopping drinking coffee/tea
  • ton
    Full Member

    got told by my heart consultant that i have stop caffine intake.
    was drinking up to 15 coffees/teas a day.

    i now have the most intense headache i have ever had.
    how long will it last?

    Free Member

    I would say it’s withdrawl, seriously though 15 cups a day!

    I thought 3 was excessive.

    Free Member

    Couple of days to get it out of your system. Why not a more gradual withdrawal?

    Full Member

    druidh…………i didn’t think of that………….doh. 😀
    i thought he meant like stop straight away.

    Free Member

    I get real headbangers if i dont have a regular caffeine intake in 24 hrs, i average around 8 cups of strong coffee a day so i wouldn’t have thought i would be that addicted.

    Free Member

    I feel for you, but 15 cups?! 😯

    Didn’t your stomach rebel in the form of heartburn or anything?

    Free Member

    I used to drink loads at work then would get a stonking headache on a Bank Holiday weekend or at the start of a holiday. It took the caffine 2-3 days to exit my system. I now tend to have no more than 3 cups a day and stick to decaffinated in the evenings.

    Free Member

    I took about 3 months to work down from 3 litres a day to 1 large caffetiere

    I was sat next to a filter coffee machine and just drank coffee all day. At the weekend I would have a screaming headache by 11am unless I had coffee.

    I once almost overdoesed on coffee beans once. I had a stinking cold and was happily eating chocolate coffee beans in between drinking coffee. It was a little later that I realized they were chocolate ‘covered’ coffee beans so basically I munched through 4 ounces of coffee beans. Yummy green vomit and hallucinations all night

    Full Member

    My first coffee OD was whilst studying for A levels. I worked Saturdays at Argos, and they had a load of cheap filter machines come in – about £4. Bought one for my room, made a full pot of coffee and drank it over about an hour. Then I did another one. Coffee in my room? How sophisticated.

    I’d not realy drunk much coffee before.

    Had to lie down for a few hours feeling quite crappy.

    Free Member

    The headaches will pass after a few days. Then after a few more days you will start to get past the tiredness, sleep better and feel altogether sharper. My colleagues find my sensitivity to caffeine amusing- a couple and I start to get e tea chatty!

    I have linked to it before but a switch to good decaf helps mentally I think. Try Imperial Teas of Lincoln for some good stuff.

    Full Member

    just sipping on some alta rice ‘intense’ decaf now.

    it tastes like hot water……….. 🙁

    Free Member

    Crikey … 15 cups … don’t you drink water?

    Thinking of it I was drinking nearly 10 cups a day when I got my espresso machine … no withdrawal symptoms just cheese off with bloody latte art.

    Free Member

    I’n not a big coffee drinker but consume 15-20 cups of tea. Not tea bag tea, but Assam leaf tea straight in the cup. I’m hooked.

    Full Member

    If you’re drinking heaps of coffee taking Vit B helps.

    Free Member

    mcmoonter – Assam tea is proper tea. You will never make it as an anarchist though as proper t is theft

    Free Member

    Ah, that’s what it is, I’ve recently been given one of those smart cafe mugs, so bought some real coffee and was given a load of free samples by a local coffee rep. I was only drinking 3-4 cups of real coffee in an evening or during the day on days off, but been getting headaches, which I never get.

    I can’t imagine Mcmoonter as an anarchist, he’s more likely the only person on this forum who stands half a chance of being invited to the wedding of the year.

    Free Member

    So what does caffeine actually do to your body to make it have withdrawal symptoms and also why are you sharper after “de toxing” off caffeine?

    Just interested………and bored at work.

    Free Member

    My bowen technician recommended reducing my caffine intake ‘cos I was dehydrated resulting in my adrenal glands to be very swallen, he said don’t cut the first couple of the day straight off, these first couple would still kick start the metabolism but then I should replace all the other coffees of the day with filtered water. Apparently the filtered water assists in removing the toxins

    Free Member

    Apparently the filtered water assists in removing the toxins

    I doubt filtering will make any difference. The filtered water may be slightly softer but no other benefit. The majority of tap water will have had some form of filtering done to it as part of its treatment anyway!

    Bigbloke – I think I am just sensitive to caffiene. After drinking lots for a while I then need it to operate ‘normally’.
    Once off it I then don’t need the kickstart so feel better if I cannot have a cup. The novelty of a proper caffiene buzz is great. It’s good that I can get this from something like coffee – lord help me if I ever tried anything harder!

    Full Member

    I dropped caffeine entirely for three weeks a couple of years ago and matthewlhome is spot on – you do stop craving it and start to feel sharper, more alive.

    Can’t remember why I started again.

    Free Member

    Headaches will last a week at most.

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