Home Forums Chat Forum Have we done RSPCA being twunts yet?

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  • Have we done RSPCA being twunts yet?
  • El-bent
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    The RSPCA do birds too badly they in one case could not correctly identify how a healthy fledgeling would look so prosecuted for neglect for its perfectly normal appearance , did not know that the chicks did not urinate so again neglect for being stood over a tray full of clean water that they said was its own urine and allowed what had been a perfectly healthy and very expensive bird to die in their care through neglect by them ( they did not prosecute themselves for that though)

    Free Member

    Twunts of the highest order, spending hundred of thousands of pounds of donations pursuing purely political agendas.

    Free Member

    I’ve donated to dogs trust in preference to RSPCA every time. They seem more focussed on actually helping animals that need it and less on political ends.

    Free Member

    Twunts of the highest order, spending hundred of thousands of pounds donated by well meaning people who think that their money will be going on genuine animal welfare causes of donations pursuing purely political agendas.

    Free Member

    Twunts of the highest order, spending hundred of thousands of pounds donated by well meaning people who think that their money will be going on genuine animal welfare causes of donations rather than pursuing purely political agendas.

    Does that make it clearer? I’ve confused my self now.

    Free Member

    I don’t like the way they refer to themselves as ‘Inspectors’ or ‘Officers’ and wear those navy blue jerseys with epaulettes, like they’re Police or Army.

    I live in Rural Derbyshire, no one here has any time for them, they opened a charity shop in the town which was later closed; apparently little interest (The whinging statement they made to the local rag about how the town doesn’t care about animals etc got a lot of people’s backs up as well)

    Full Member

    Round this way, the RNLI and RSPCA winter balls are very grand affairs. Lords Lieutenant with medals, swords and chains swaggering about the place. Worth every penny of our donations I’d say.

    Free Member

    I once drove over the Dartford crossing behind an RSPCA van watching the driver throw kittens out the window.

    What were you doing?

    Free Member

    Well i’m quite happy to keep donating a paltry £3 a month to the RSPB if it helps with this stuff…


    I’ve had no personal experience of RSPCA issues so can’t comment.

    Free Member

    RSPCA not to be confused with the SSPCA who I only have good things to say about in my limited experience of them.

    Full Member

    I love watching buzzards, but they’re getting very plentiful. I’m not sure that killing 10 of them to protect your flock of pheasants is a lot different from killing 10 chickens to sell for eating.

    But it’s always puzzled me why so many people rush to the seaside after an oil spill and subject terrified seabirds to a rough scrubbing in fairy liquid when you can nip down the road to the butcher and buy a nicely prepared wild duck for about a fiver.

    Free Member

    Not a big fan of the rspca. The pdsa, despite their best intentions, are generally abused by people with their brand new pedigree puppy that they have bought at great expense knowing that it will cost them nothing in vets fees to look after. Don’t get me wrong, you do get little old ladies with their little old dogs who deserve the support but the scroungers put me right off!

    Free Member

    I love watching buzzards, but they’re getting very plentiful. I’m not sure that killing 10 of them to protect your flock of pheasants is a lot different from killing 10 chickens to sell for eating.

    Cos it was indiscriminate, that bloke was targeting anything that goes for game birds & he wouldn’t have given a toss if it was a marsh harrier or a goshawk.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    There was a story circulating the news sites a few years ago about RSPCA members who questioned where money was being spent and found themselves rapidly on the outside.

    From the ferret rescuing I’ve been involved in, I’ve heard of the RSPCA telling people that they are a wild animal so don’t worry about them!!(Massively incorrect).

    A work colleague wanted a rescue dog for the family so after doing the full RSPCA home inspection bit and jumping through loads of hoops was allowed to re-home a dog the was not good with children and not house trained (something he stipulated). The RSPCA then got stroppy when the dog was taken back and flatly refused to refund the “donation” he had paid towards the dogs neutering.

    I found a bird of prey on the trail, clearly ill/injured and phoned the RSPCA to rescue it. “What’s your postcode?” was all the poor girl at the RSPCA could ask. After patiently explaining where I was and that I could provide a grid reference but no postcode was rudely informed that they wouldn’t come out without a postcode?!!

    Hedge fund masquerading as a charity!

    The RNLI haven’t exactly covered themselves in glory either.

    Free Member

    Alan – no, not on a public forum. Lets just say that I would rather have the boys in the boats than not have them.

    But if people really want their donations to count then Coastwatch (http://www.nci.org.uk/) needs your cash!

    Free Member

    I’m not sure that killing 10 of them to protect your flock of pheasants is a lot different from killing 10 chickens to sell for eating.

    Personally I would avoid eating a chicken that’s been poisoned by use of an illegal outdated pesticide.

    A chacun son gout, as they say. It might have a novel taste.

    Free Member

    I’d be very interested to hear why people say at the RSPB are going the same way as the RSPCA.

    Free Member

    I once visited the RSPCA HQ, you can’t swing a cat in there

    Free Member

    I think the RSPB’s public persona and the actual work they do on the ground are somewhat divergent

    Down on the ground they are pretty pragmatic, not afraid to control predators or deer, manage their land well and work in pretty good cooperation with other landowners and organisations like the GCT, very impressive

    On the other hand, their public persona and appeal to the fluffy bunny brigade concerns me, to their credit they don’t deny things like fox control, but they don’t go out of their way to educate their members on these issues or to scratch beyond the surface of the autumn watch crowd and discuss the complexity of issues in an adult manner, or to discuss their work with others in that light (grey partridge conservation for example)

    I thought that the ’90p in every pound goes on our conservation work’ pledge was very disingenuous as it turns out they calculate that after subtracting the 26p they spend on fundraising, that felt really bad to be honest.

    rSPCA on the other hand have always been a bunch of twunts, seem to have screwed over a lot of their local rescue places to pay for the shiny offices as well.

    Full Member

    Just for balance, when our “lovely” neighbour accused my wife of hurting one of her many cats, the RSPCA person called by the neighbour was very reasonable and sensible as were the local police and PCSO. They concluded that said moggy had probably been hit be a car.

    The only twunts were the local rag who printed a story without checking facts.

    Full Member

    Very good timba 😀

    Or Tim Vine’s just blown his cover…

    Free Member

    Busted, Tim Vine Jokes

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