Grrr Rubbish doctor...

[Closed] Grrr Rubbish doctor rant

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Sometimes struggle to understand the world....
My wife is swimming the channel this summer & raising money for a medical research based charity. To do the swim you have to have a medical questionaire filled by your GP. Took a 10 minute appointment to fill in and she left with form so no other paperwork. GP charged £85 "administration fee". She explained why she needed it, non profit making - good cause etc & nothing doing- no reduction possible. Has to be filled by your gp so over a barrel.

By coinsidence her morbidly obese work colleague had her 4th appointment of the year with the same doctor-frequent flyer due to diabetes & knee problems brought on by lifestyle. Obviously no charge.

Whilst I don't think I'd want to see charging to see your gp, even if it is for self inflicted reasons, charging those that try to take care of themselves & don't give them much hassle for their per patient based income seems a bit harsh!

Rubbish rant over - I thank you for reading!

Posted : 25/01/2010 11:39 pm