Anyone keep seeds from one season to use for the next?
I tried this year, planted my collected seeds in blocks of nine, with the collected seeds I only get 2-3 plants from each block.
Compared with newly bought seeds, I get the odd single seed fail, if that.
Been told not to bother by other allotment holders & to always use fresh new seeds, but thought I would give it a go.
BTW, got a raised bed from last year that must have 2000 small self seeded tomatoe plants from last year!
Whereas some of my plants from the year before were in crappy asda compost and produced hardly any yield…
Not used the Asda compost, so cannot comment, but I am trying out six different typs/makes of compost this year, to see what difference they make, too early yet to come up with outright winner mind.
Has anyone used Osmocote slow release pellets with Tomatoes/Peppers/Chilis, how did you find if so?