Home Forums Bike Forum Ground anchor / motorbike chain: WELL WORTH IT!

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  • Ground anchor / motorbike chain: WELL WORTH IT!
  • el_boufador
    Full Member

    I looked out the kitchen window this morning to see that the garage door had been prized open, which was well secured with bolts & padlocks.

    Went to have a look and the bikes were still all there. Thank **** for the ground anchor & motorbike lock.

    After this experience I would heartily recommend this to anyone. Costs about £50 to secure 3 bikes this way.

    I actually feel quite pleased with myself for fitting them & scuppering a scumbag. Much better than being p1ssed off and with no bikes / insurance headaches to deal with.

    Free Member

    Just remember that now they know what’s in there, and what it will take to remove it, they may be back…

    Full Member

    I had the unfortunate experience of trying to remove a ground anchor last year from a rented garage.

    Took me three evenings before I found a cunning method to defeat it without sledgehammering the concrete floor of the garage or mullering the anchor with an angle grinder. (no, I won’t divulge the method!) With bikes in place my method would be impossible, though obviously a thieves weapon of choice would be bolt croppers/angle grinder which would make short but noisy work of any chain 🙁

    But as mentioned above, they know whats in there now…you need to make it really difficult for them for a while. Personally I’d remove everything of value, hopefully they’ll then lose interest and not bother checking again in future.

    Free Member

    get a bear and keep it in your garage for if/when they return!

    Free Member

    Why me?

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